StrangeLoopGames / EcoIssues

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Closed mizantrop777 closed 6 years ago

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

[RU] пожалуйста, смените ip адрес мастерсервера, он заблокирован в России, поэтому не видно ни один сервер [EN] please change the ip address of masterserver, he is locked in Russia, so do not see any single server

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

Since when would this be an issue with Stangeloop Games. IF your ISP is blocking the master server to connect to for the server list then maybe you should call your ISP and complain to them.

I am not having any issues here in North America. I don't see why you posted this here this is an Internet Service Provider issue or a country issue in Russia only if they are blocking them then complain to them not Strange Loop games.

Call your ISP and complain to them if thy are blocking the IP and find out why.

If it the Russian Government blocking the IP then well maybe you should contact some one in your government and find out why.

I did a bit more digging and found more info:

Also this was addressed in ticket #7496

"0.7.4 uses new masterserver, ("

English translated version of this page:

"Through the form published below, you can obtain data on measures taken to restrict access to sites and / or pages of Internet sites within the framework of meeting the requirements of Articles 15.1-15.6 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Information , information technologies and information protection "

When I enter that IP

It comes back with the following


Статья основаниявнесения в реестр | Реквизиты основания внесения в реестр(орган принявший решение, номер, дата) | Ограничение доступа 15.3 | Генпрокуратура27-31-2015/Ид4082-15 04.12.2015

Translated English:

Searched for: Total records found: 1

We draw your attention that the presence of the Internet site in the Registry does not at all mean full restriction of access to it, since access can be limited to a separate page of the site in the Internet. The locking method is reflected in the "Access restriction" column.

Founding Article Requisites for registration in the register (decision-making body, number, date) Restriction of access 15.3 The Prosecutor General's Office 27-31-2015 / ID4082-15 12/04/2015

so it looks like the Russian Prosecutor General's Office is the one responsible for the block. I would contact them to find out why. now they refer to section 15.3

English Translation:

"On February 1, 2014, Article 15. 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" came into force.

This legislation regulates the procedure for restricting access to sites on the Internet, containing information with calls for riots, carrying out extremist activities or participating in mass (public) events conducted in violation of the established procedure.

Roskomnadzor organizes restrictions on access to such information on the basis of the demand of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or his deputy. "

The Prosecutor General's office website in English is located at

Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 15a GSP-3, Moscow 125993 RUSSIA Phone #: +7 (495) 987-56-56 Website:

Maybe the Russian Government would be happy is Strange Loops Games put a flag pole and a Russian Flag in the game so you can raise the Russian Flag every day :)

I would be very careful getting involved in this matter Strange Loop Games this sounds like a very political issue with this country. any assistance in helping them bypass this block may put Strange Loop Games in some very hot water.

I would seriously have a lawyer speak to them that represents Strange Loop Games I would not want to mess with the Prosecutor General's Office for the Russian Federation they don't seem to have much of a sense of humor over there.

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

there are two options: write to the developers of the game in Roskomnadzor, or change the ip address. If no one does anything - the game is useless in Russia

changing the ip address will be much easier and faster

Last2Night commented 6 years ago

Im curious how popular ECO is in Russia... whether its worth the hassle for devs to get involved legally in that mess, after all its not devs fault the IPs are blocked.

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

Well no you need to contact your Government mizantrop777 and have them remove the IP from their block list. this is a Geo-political thing that Strange Loops game shouldn't get involved in your country has blocked the IP and you need to contact them to find out why.

If it wasn't for the Russian Government blocking the IP everything would be fine.

This issue was already dealt with in ticket #7496 so why is this been set with a critical priority when it is already open in ticket #7496

I would agree with Last2Night it isn't Strange Loop Game's fault that your country is blocking the IP.

Now if you really want to get around the block then try using a VPN there are several free ones out there.

The one that I personally use is SoftEther it is 100% free and works very well! Download the softether VPN client that is the one you want.

Once you install it and connect to a VPN go to to ensure that your IP has changed.

I see that rainfarmer got assigned to this ticket I hope you have brushed up on your Russian. How did poor rainfarmer get assigned to this did he draw the short straw or something? :)

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for how you use these VPNs I do not want some big Russian in a black suit knocking at my door.

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

this ip was blocked in 2015. so it is unlikely that the lock has to do with ECO. Most likely, the developers just got a server with this ip.

I have already written to Roskomnadzor, but there is no answer yet. It'll be a long time, birocracy. As I said, it will be easier and faster for developers to change ip

VPN-not the solution for a number of reasons (for example, on my PC the heap of servers of different games is started, I have a static ip)

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

LOL yes it is mizantrop777 it sounds to me like you are not willing to try anything to even get around the block.

This isn;t an issue with the game this is an issue with your country blocking the IP so either appeal it with your government or use a VPN to get around it.

Have you even tried a VPN yet because it will work I have been doing this a heck of a lot longer than you have and I am a trained Network Admin.

The way the packets are encapsulated for the VPN traffic will get you around this block.

they are not going to change the IP it is working everywhere else in the world except Russia and it is because of your government blocking it.

LOL saying that the VPN isn't the answer because you have a static IP shows how little you really know about a VPN and how he traffic is routed.

When you connect to a VPN the packets of data are encapsulated and it it will get you around the block also your IP changes as well when connected to the VPN.

The most important part is that the packets for a VPN are encapsulated and

It sounds like you don't even want to try anything to get around this and fix this issue and are just demand Strange Loop Games to change the IP.

It works everywhere else in the world this is an issue with just Russia!

Try other things like the VPN first to get around the block or stop complaining here.

You are not going to screw things up for everyone else in the world simply because Russia decides to be dickheads and block the IP it works everywhere else except Russia because they are blocking it go complain to your own government!

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

do you offer all users from Russia (of which many can not even install windows) to use vpn? ridiculously...

elfl0rd commented 6 years ago

Another vpn problem - steam regional restriction. You cant use lot of your games if you use vpn.

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

developers have changed the ip. but a new, too, proved in the black list xD

you would verify at least the ip

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

See this is exactly why I said that changing the IP is NOT the answer... you need to contact your government and have them remove the listing.

The IPs being used by Strangeloop games works fine everywhere else in the world except Russia who is blocking the IPs.

Also you can use steam using a VPN that is incorrect elf0rd I have used steam before using a VPN.

It isn't ridiculous at all either mizantrop777 that I am telling you to use a VPN.

What is ridiculous is the Russian Government who thinks that censorship is a good thing.

Go complain to your government the IPs being used works everywhere else in the world. IT seems that there is only a small number of Russian players on this game anyways.

It seems that you are just going to demand that Strange Loop Games change the IP and you are not even willing to try anything like a VPN to get around this block.

The Russian players like you elfl0rd and mizantrop777 are the ones that are ridiculous.

The master server is now at IP (

The IP has changed and yet you are still complaining. It is time that the Russian players actually helped themselves and tried my suggestion of a VPN.

elfl0rd commented 6 years ago

thereporter42, stop flood please. Your messages is not informative and helpless. Learn more info about steam regional restrictions based on prices in different counties. And vpn is really not answer, more than 100 players have this problem. You want to learn it all about vpn? And apellation written, but rewiew can take more than 60 days.

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

Dude I have steam I know steam very well connect to a VPN in another country and you can still connect to steam it may ask you to verify that it is you by sending you an email to your email address that you have registered with on steam but once you verify it is you and your account is not being hacked.

I know all about steam and VPNs I have done it before. I am also not flooding at all why don't you try listening to me for once elfl0rd and actually TRY it.

There are not 100 players that have this issue either there is a very small hand full of players from Russia with this issue.

The only option is for you to wait the 60 days then because Strange Loop Games has changed the IP and you are still blocked.

Once again try my solution because it will work!

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

@thereporter42 "The master server is now at IP ("!!! there is a telegram, because many ip blocked. and they're not unlocked. the fact that github few people write-it does not mean that there are no players from Russia. at that rate - they will not be exact.

VPN shove itself far any away, we want normal game, without crutches and Bicycle.

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

And yep when i go to and enter it is blocked.

russian block ip 35 163 80 53

Once again try my suggestion if you are not willing to try anything then maybe you should just go find another game.

Once again Strange Loop games changed the IP and you are still complaining at this point you need to get your government to remove the block and wait the time.

You have no clue what you are talking about either when you are talking about a VPN.

There are only a small number of players on here from Russia take some steps to help yourself!

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago


I represent Russian hosting, we planned to deploy rent of servers and the corresponding advertizing. Your messages are not informative and do not carry an adequate solution, so please do not respond, as VPN to thrust himself to hell.

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

LOL Mizantrop777 no you are not .. now you are claiming to deploy servers before you were just a player who was playing on a server do not try and lie. I am sick of these Russian players refusing to do anything to help themselves.

I am trying to help them and they refuse any advice given to them can a staff member of Strange Loop Games please just close off this ticket. They have options and they refuse to take them.

mizantrop777 commented 6 years ago

@thereporter42 @thereporter42 you in ignore

elfl0rd commented 6 years ago

Masterserver mirror is UP. Now in testing state.

thereporter42 commented 6 years ago

LOL anyone can link a site doesn't mean that is yours.. wow these Russians are just rude.. If you are hosting a server why not talk to the devs and see if they can put up your own master server in Russia for servers based in Russia then... LOL

elfl0rd commented 6 years ago

Masterserver mirror working all weekend without any problem with >10 users More information sended to Metachronism DM

eliotcougar commented 6 years ago

Masterserver is unavailable again... Looks like the traffic goes in circles... I'm having the similar issues with some other services hosted on Amazon even when I'm using VPN...

Traceroute: []

1 <1 мс <1 мс <1 мс [redacted] 2 <1 мс <1 мс <1 мс [redacted] 3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms [redacted] 4 3 ms 3 ms 4 ms [redacted] 5 4 ms 3 ms 4 ms [redacted] 6 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms [redacted] 7 22 ms 22 ms 22 ms [] 8 22 ms 22 ms 22 ms [] 9 22 ms 22 ms 22 ms [] 10 22 ms 22 ms 23 ms [] 11 38 ms 38 ms 38 ms [] 12 50 ms 50 ms 51 ms [] 13 201 ms 201 ms 201 ms [] 14 201 ms 201 ms 202 ms [] 15 205 ms 206 ms 204 ms [] 16 205 ms 205 ms 205 ms [] 17 205 ms 205 ms 206 ms [] 18 201 ms 201 ms 202 ms [] 19 201 ms 201 ms 201 ms [] 20 206 ms 205 ms 205 ms [] 21 204 ms 205 ms 205 ms [] 22 201 ms 201 ms 201 ms [] 23 203 ms 210 ms 201 ms 24 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 25 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 26 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 27 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 28 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 29 Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. 30 * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.

elfl0rd commented 6 years ago

Masterserver available, and masterserver range is unblocked. Try direct connection?

eliotcougar commented 6 years ago

@elfl0rd I know it's not blocked anymore... That's why this traceroute is strange... Can't ping it either... Similar things happen with some other services unrelated to ECO: Traceroute reaches Amazon and after that it's all "request timeout"... The same happens when I use any remote traceroute webtools...

In the network monitor I see that both Eco.exe and Eco_server.exe are trying to connect to the masterserver(, but they get no response...

metachronism commented 6 years ago

sorry comrades, we dont yet have the power to influence the russian govt :/ However its not blocked now, so closing this out