StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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Add food-based buffs #1485

Open ThePiachu opened 3 years ago

ThePiachu commented 3 years ago

At the moment what food you eat in the game is mostly "look up the best combo, stick with them no matter what", which kind of simplifies a lot of food preparation into "make 2-3 dishes and forget about the rest". If we added some character buffs based on the type of food they eat that would be a neat idea. Those buffs could either be timed, or based on the stomach content you have.

I know for example Graveyard Keepr does something similar, where some foods make you smarter, others make you catch fish easier, etc - .

Some effects could include:

etc. You probably don't want to do increased carry weight or carry size for bulky items since there might be some weirdness with those buffs expiring, etc.

You could also have some small debuffs to various things for people that eat raw food or low-quality food.

Introducing this system would make it so that even at the end game people would want to eat good food rather than grabbing the cheapest food for calories just to do stuff like Oil Drilling Work Parties, etc.

TwixterZ commented 2 years ago

The current food preferences and diversity bonus that grant XP could be extended to offer food specific buff/debuff.

These recipes would have no food preference impact - and could also have no SP value, but would provide specific value to the player for a defined duration.

For example, a complex recipe for Birthday Cake, can be consumed once every X days, that would give the player a 24h movement speed increase.

Advanced Cooking could have a Job specific bonus either increasing the effect or its duration.

Additional recipes with increasing benefits and/or funny effects could be added to all cooking levels.

I understand this could be interpreted as an unrealistic game feature - lets call it the placebo effect, the sugar boost effect, or homeopathy...

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