StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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Medical Profession / Medical Conditions #1567

Open D3nnis3n opened 2 years ago

D3nnis3n commented 2 years ago

Hey, im a brazilian fan in love with your game and thinking about the possibility of introducing some kind of illness to the game, not something really complex just a few health problems capable to prejudice you somehow, like low stamina for example until you find a recipe or some cure. A good ideia delivering all this is bringing to the game some animals like rats, that players would try to eradicate for health. Thank you guys, this game is awesome !!!

D3nnis3n commented 2 years ago

I would love to see a medical profession, which uses a variety of different resources to create medicine. Things to cure: Fall too far? Pushed by bison a few too many times? Get a broken leg, which causes reduced movement speed, or disables jumping. A splint or bandage of some sort is used as a consumable to heal the condition Eat raw food? Get food poisoning, which reduces your skill point gain. Drink some medicine to cure it. Could also possibly have diseases that randomly infect people, different diseases requiring different medicines, and having different levels of severity. So that these conditions aren't game killers, most, if not all of them, should automatically go away over time with rest, but medicine makes them go away immediately, or at least much more quickly.

Diseases While I'm sure you don't need or want me to give a list of diseases that could be in game, the consequences they'd come with, and a specific cure, I do want to talk about being able to avoid diseases. First of all, if you really don't want to be hit by the latest disease going around, or you spend a lot of time near that one person who seems to always get sick, go to a medical professional and get a vaccine! Would only work for a limited amount of time (a few days), but it has a 99% guarantee of protecting you from that particular disease. Secondly, diseases make having a balanced diet that much more important! A healthy body will have a better immune system, and thus help to stave off those nasty illnesses.

Making items The medical profession has potential to use resources from basically every other profession. The main one would obviously be farmers, buying herbs/plants to make medicine. But, a doctor might also need wood, for making a splint to treat a broken leg. Need a bandage? That will require cloth. Some specific animal tissue could be used for medicine as well, or maybe crushed iron is needed for that vaccine. I'm not so sure about this idea, but medical professionals and engineers could work together to create prosthetics,

Work tables Mill -> for crushing plants, and getting powders for medicine/tablets Stove -> Used for combining some ingredients into medicine Carpenter's Table -> Making a splint (new) Laboratory -> Late game, used to make better medicines, and unlocks vaccines, so players no longer need to visit a doc randomly upon getting sick, can just get a jab and have protection for a week.

New additions: Pollution could also affect health! And the longer you spend directly next to tailings, swimming in sewage/polluted water, etc. the more exposed you would be to diseases.

D3nnis3n commented 2 years ago

I had an idea earlier today that you may like, I don't have the game yet so I'm not sure what all has been added or taken out, I was thinking there should be a sickness system and with sciences there should be bacteria that you can discover and find other bacteria that kills that certain one and mix them up and have stuff like custom player made Vaccines, Medicines, and other antibiotic stuff. It would also be neat if there was a way that certain bacteria linger and can cause others to be sick and therefore can't work (Some cool sickness effects would be like, More calorie usage, cannot work, and slowed movement). So to get rid of lingering bacteria it would be neat if you could make cleaning sprays that only have ingredients that players mix in with healthy bacteria that they discovered. Early game medicines could be some herbs mixed in a wooden bowl so that players can actually start the game. With this should come a new skill to start researching the bacteria called something like Biology or Chemistry.

D3nnis3n commented 2 years ago

Awesomepro247 I feel like the game needs more challenges and the medical side will provide new challenges and job opportunities. Yes, the game is already hard, but I think adding a medical field would be interesting. You could have more time spent in pollution, the more calories you spend. You don't die in this game, so I thought that increasing the amount of calories spent would be an option. There could be a new workbench, Apothecary, that makes medicine from herbs and there could be doctors and nurses. There could be random diseases that come from nowhere that increases amount of calories used. This may be a bit too much, but in my opinion, this would make the game more fun and challenging.