StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

Repo for storing Eco game suggestions, separate from EcoIssues
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Illnesses #1678

Open CTH999 opened 1 year ago

CTH999 commented 1 year ago

Obviously with water and the new spoilage you added, you can get sick Having non-filtered water without survivalist has a (slight) chance of getting you sick Spoiled food is almost guarenteed to get you sick, and has almost no nutrition. Why eat it? You shouldn't you idiot! What do illneses do?

  1. Faster Food Usage
  2. Faster Fluid Usage
  3. Sometimes they slow you down, or lower screen brightness (But only sometimes, to simulate having multiple types of illnesses)
  4. Mess with nutrients and minerals, making you get all out of wack, weakening your immune system even more
  5. So on Electrolytes and other minerals being out of ballance weakens your immune system, making you get more diseases Out of ballance nutrients do the same Illneses can last anywhere from a few ingame minutes to multiple in-game days! Have fun with those ones!

Basicly, Illnesses make you consume things faster, so if you want to maintain fluids, and know you might get sick, stay near a new Stream

1ntrospect1on commented 1 year ago

In my opinion, there is already sufficent micro'ing of your foodintake. I dont think i see the fun in getting your screen or avatar sabotaged more than the exp modifier sabotage you already get. Eco is just not that type of survival game. So its gonna be a downvote from here. (If you are into real detailed survival in a jungle with illnesses etc, try the game "green hell", its kinda fun but another genre :b)

CTH999 commented 1 year ago

Fair enough. some of those ideas might work, but good point...