StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

Repo for storing Eco game suggestions, separate from EcoIssues
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Change how laser destruction works #1707

Open MatthewCarven opened 1 year ago

MatthewCarven commented 1 year ago

\ User Id: (Not logged user) Version: beta release-391

Steps to Reproduce: Play game and notice that lasers destroy the meteor, cool sound effect but with my sound turned down to 8/100 it still clips

Expected behavior: Lasers should carve little chunks off the meteor per 'time' and this should ideally take at least a week with only 4 lasers. It would be nice if there was some kind of last man standing mode where each time a meteor was 'destroyed' you get another countdown with an extra meteor to deal with in the new timeframe, unfortunately the mod that did something like this is so old now I expect it doesn't work anymore.

Actual behavior: Well the lasers 'blow up' the meteor like a bomb instead of carving little pieces off it or what would likely happen which is partial vapourisation of the contact points with the lasers. I should note that vapourisation could be an alternate to carving smaller chunks that would burn up on re-entry, I did like the sound effect when the meteor was destroyed but wouldn't it be nice if this was to go on for a week or more whilst it was 'carved' up or vapourised? Also do not look at the sky unless you want to go blind for at least a few minutes.........

Do you have mods installed? Does the issue happen when no mods are installed?: Yes I have mods, big shovel, extra starting stars but I think that is it, also I am playing single player because of a lack of servers in my region plus I like to be a one man army.........

**Please provide log files. Instruction is here

D3nnis3n commented 1 year ago

Moving to our suggestions hub :)