StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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[Feature request] Black/White listing item slots + Better Input/Output on stores. #1715

Closed CraigWCooper closed 1 year ago

CraigWCooper commented 1 year ago

This is a suggestion to the storage system and I purpose two new features, in combination with each other will add so much functionality to the game.

Black/White Listing Item slots and limits

Itemblackwhitelisting Normal At start, every slot is as normal and works as it does now. whitelisting In the above (very crude) example you can see the general idea. I want to be able to Whitelist slots and set limits, simple concept. "I only want x item to go x slot."

Blacklisting I don't have a image to show here but its self explanatory. "Anything But x item ) can go in x slot. "

limiting Each slot can be set a limit, simple "I only want x number of items in x slot"

NOTE: Would be nice if you could do multiple items, using something like the item finder that the store uses for example.

Better Input Output for stores and crafting stations

benchinputoutput Key

The above image is trying to demo a better way of handling input and outputs. Very much like the current options on whole storages, instead I suggest it to be moved to each item slot. I personally prefer the green orange red UI but just in case there is a misunderstanding, I have added the image below.


Combination of the two Combo

Order Of Operations

  1. Input/Output/Both slots take priority from left to right.
  2. Much like it currently is, Storage Top takes priority if it cannot find an appropriate slot go down the storage list (How you view it is how it logically works)
  3. If there are no Output/both slots the crafting stalls like it does now.
  4. All Slots needs a flag, None flags slots counts as locked
  5. Added suggestion, Items should not auto stack and go in priority order.
  6. Added suggestion, Allow us to buy/sell using the tags (as well as black list and white list)

This solves a common issue I face in nearly every store I run. I want to be able to better control the input and outputs as well as further defining what slots can go where and how many of that item is allowed in that slow. In the example above image a butcher wanting to first have 10 raw meat made and set aside (for sale, First red slot) and overflow go into the next slot (Orange), which can be used to make scrap meat, and the same situation happens again for the scrap meat. Note that once the raw meat slots are full they don't overflow into the scrap meat slots! Amazing! Furthermore this setup allows multiple tables to interact with 1 storage making chaining workstations so much smoother.

D3nnis3n commented 1 year ago

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