StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

Repo for storing Eco game suggestions, separate from EcoIssues
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In-game group/company #1724

Open Sydwan opened 1 year ago

Sydwan commented 1 year ago

Hello, after some servers and many struggles, I would suggest devs to add a kind of in-game group/company where you can add your trusted friends/teammates in :

This group/company would be higher in the auth-checking process so it ignores current system of authorizations you manually give on claim/deed/vehicle, even if current one has to remain for temporary auth on your claim.

Adding it as an in-game feature (law item/demographic) could also open new horizons in terms of laws drafting.


iuriguilherme commented 1 year ago

I believe you can currently do this with a combination of an elected title and a demographic

Sydwan commented 1 year ago

I believe you can currently do this with a combination of an elected title and a demographic

I know you can create title and add them into it (demographic are more about laws stuff) but you still need to ad that tittle EVERY TIME you create a deed, especially for vehicles thats is really annoying, cause whenever you log off without authing your friends on the skid for example, they are f up :/ Basically, that would be a title where you add once your friends into it, then every time you create a new claim, place a new vehicle etc, the game auto auth them on it

iuriguilherme commented 1 year ago

Sounds like your feature request would be to save a vehicle's deed owner in the vehicle data if it's a title and use that when the new deed is created instead of the player who placed the vehicle

Sydwan commented 1 year ago

Sounds like your feature request would be to save a vehicle's deed owner in the vehicle data if it's a title and use that when the new deed is created instead of the player who placed the vehicle

Exactly, same could go for claims (even if claims are way less annoying since you only claim/unclaim times to times).