StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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Farming Claim Stakes #1745

Open Dave247 opened 6 months ago

Dave247 commented 6 months ago

The new settlement system in version 10 is great for what it does, but it also causes some serious conflict with some of the professions, specifically Farming, where the farmer needs to claim a lot of land in various biomes, but now has no way to. Even if they were to get together and start their own Farmers Commune town, that still only affects a certain area and is slow to expand due to needing culture.

One idea someone suggested during a conversation i was part of, was for Farmers to get a special claim stake they can use to claim land, which only allows them to move dirt and rocks and use tools, but not build or place constructed blocks. In other words the intent is that the land can only be used to farm. It could be done so that as they level up they receive a second or even third claim stake also.

CraigWCooper commented 6 months ago


The point of settlements was to localise resources, 1 farmer should not be able to farm every crop, opening the door to more economic problem solving.

Also your issues can be solved by working together to expand your towns influence, joining/creating counties or federations allow you to get claim stakes for any of those lands,.

Ill give you an example: You, Homesteads in grasslands, lots of flax beets corn and wheat. create town called "Flax Town" Someone else, a miner, homesteads in cold forest, lots of beans ferns and huckles, creates town called "Gold Town" - has no farmer.

Gold Town and Flax town join together to make a country - you get a country claim stakes, you farm beans ferns and huckles.

Dave247 commented 6 months ago

The only problem there is that it takes time to expand influence and form a country. Quite a bit of time as paintings are the first opportunity you have to gain culture.

The alternative is to start with a Federation like white tiger does however that is not the typical intended gameplay experience.

CraigWCooper commented 6 months ago

I Refer to my previous comment.

The point of settlements was to localise resources, 1 farmer should not be able to farm every crop, opening the door to more economic problem solving.

Eco 10 is a lot different and requires more farmers,.. Just got to move on and mourn Eco 9 where a server only needs 1 farmer.

Most servers are still in their first run of Eco 10, but I imagine that the pros of 10 will shine, and people will get used to the new paradigm.