StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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Variable to allow hosts to enable One Global Currency and One Global set of laws from the start #1750

Open ncottrill opened 6 months ago

ncottrill commented 6 months ago

Many extra large multiplayer servers have players who prefer to play with one global global currency and one active top level set of world laws while having the "settlements enabled." ... from the very START of the server.

Would you consider having something like a "OneGlobalFederation" variable? So, towns and countries can still be in multiples, but there is only 1 Federation and it covers the entire world. Because this seems popular, would you enable a quick-set option from a GUI or in a mechanics related area (e.g. Difficulty) for something like "OneGlobalFederation: true" or "OneGlobalFederation: false"?

Some players in large servers expect to log in and get global currency. As a host of a large server, I've noticed that not having global currency really bothers some people. So, having OneGlobalFederation variable will be helpful because you, as developers, will know what other variables need to be changed in order to have this setup be successful.


Just add another layer on top of Federation called Global that allows server hosts to set up a global currency and global laws.

ALSO, if this option already exists in the configuration somewhere, please let me know.

SatsukiShizuka commented 6 months ago

That was supposed to be part of the challenge of the game, y'know.

But that being said, perhaps some tools should be given for credit or an early form of currency at the town level, with management organized by the town's mayor or an appointed role. I wouldn't know what kind of limitations you'd need to deprecate it from a full-fledged international currency, but maybe declaring some form of good (rice/grain? fiber? Gold?) to be a currency and can be interchangeable would help.