StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

Repo for storing Eco game suggestions, separate from EcoIssues
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Suggestion: Survival skills & calorie skills #187

Open BlazeGuy2 opened 6 years ago

BlazeGuy2 commented 6 years ago

From @Thyriel on March 23, 2018 4:2

As a lot skills in survival tree are often and easily missunderstood while their true usability is at best questionable i think the survival tree, as well as most (atm pretty lonely) calorie skills should be redone:

Copied from original issue: StrangeLoopGames/EcoIssues#6390

BlazeGuy2 commented 6 years ago

From @ecoemmeck on March 23, 2018 19:15

1 research efficiency is a very important skill for the research monkey as it makes the cost of skill books drop..

2 is essentially just more inventory carry weight which in some situations is useful (other situations not so much)

3 big stomach will allows you to eat a bigger meal possibly allowing you to earn extra skill points while your offline.

4 calorie efficiency I will be honest not many people know what it does unless the they have played the game for awhile. ( as far as I can tell drops all callorie usage including running and such

BlazeGuy2 commented 6 years ago

From @Thyriel on March 24, 2018 2:54

@ecoemmeck you just proved how missunderstood most of these skills are ;) ad 1) Just do some math and you will see that research efficiency 4 & 5 are a bad idea in multiplayer. You need to use skillpoints from roughly a full day to learn them. So something new you research will be effectively learned a day later then that char could have learned it when he would have just researched it with eff.3. It's a choice between loosing a full day of skillpoints vs. loosing a couple more resources for a one time craft. But you have plenty of resources in multiplayer. It's either for your cook if he cooks 8 or 20 of a meal for a research book. It's either for your smith if he makes 50 or 100 steel for that book. Especially industry skillbook is a perfect example. If you spend the skillpoints you would need for research efficiency 4&5 into the skill to craft steel with efficiency 5 instead 4 (which is roughly the same SP costs) you saved more iron then with the research efficiency, you can craft steel effectively a day earlier and it will affect every steel you ever craft and not only for the book.

ad 2) Please tell me one single situation where it's usefull ;)

ad 3) Wong ! Go out and test it in singleplayer with 2 saves, or ask people on servers that have skilled it and those haven't skilled it how much SP / day they get with the same food. Big Stomach has NO influence on SP gain. The only situation where you ever benefit from it is when you just login once per day to eat and go offline again, so you are able to balance nutritions easier without the need to use up calories so you can eat a second time.