StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

Repo for storing Eco game suggestions, separate from EcoIssues
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Laws conditional types #512

Open kotoroshinoto opened 5 years ago

kotoroshinoto commented 5 years ago

There should be a way to refer to whether one can damage animals on a property in addition to laws regarding harvesting.

There should be a way to refer to actions taken on property owned by other players (in a blanket sense, not a specific property). (such that if we wanted to make it so the property system would not prevent us from damaging a hunted creature on someone else's claim, the law would support the ability to do so.)

A way to specify how long someone has owned a property (age of the deed, how long the oldest claim in the deed has belonged to the player, something like that)

a way to refer to how long a player has lived within a district. (How long a player has owned property within the district)

A way to strip property claims from players who have been away too long (via laws, not admin commands.) Perhaps based on taxes and tax debt, They should probably get their claim item back somehow, but detach it from the world.

Deantwo commented 5 years ago

Too many suggestions in a single issue if you ask me, they would be better spilt up into separate issues, so they are easier to discuss.

Deantwo commented 5 years ago

A where clause for "On any property" is on my wish list too. Right now we only have "On specific property" and "On any owned property".