StrangeLoopGames / EcoSuggestions

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Auctionhouse #593

Open D3nnis3n opened 5 years ago

D3nnis3n commented 5 years ago

I'd like to have an auctionhouse object additionally to the store object where you could auction things in two ways:

  1. Player that in a specfic time bids the highest, get's the item.
  2. "Holländische Auktion" (Dunno how it's called in english) = The price of the item drops in time E.g. Truck - 500 $, drops by 10 every hour.
trickenso commented 4 years ago

(Dunno how it's called in english)

Unusually, it's the same in English: 'Dutch Auction' - I've also heard 'clock auction' quite often.

Adding again that it would be really useful to have this feature for contracts as well as objects.

Is there a use case for applying this to currency exchange, also? Anything where there's friction to determining the price, or securing a sale in a reasonable time frame could possibly benefit from some kind of auction.

Like different kinds of elections, this could get really complicated really quickly, but if you're going to introduce different types of auction then having the type of auction be customisable and match the theory would be really exciting.

These four options cover the vast majority of the bases. Dennis's two options are perfect if you don't want to include second-price or sealed-bid options:

There are loads of styles of auction (most of which - like the Brazilian Auction, for example - are invalidated by the existing Store functionality):

I mostly want the concept of an auction so that it's easier to determine reasonable prices for goods and contracts, and to speed up those exchanges, but it's very juicy economics and game theory if it fits broader design goals to expand this.

D3nnis3n commented 4 years ago

Haha, thanks for the explanations g

trickenso commented 4 years ago



Your suggested options are totally the best ones - I just added some others to make life more annoying for everyone 😝

Too much auction theory and other economics is totally a rabbit hole - probably better to keep it simple. The game theory nerd in me just loves the possibilities of many different kinds of exchanges, and given how the law/government system has been expanded, a similar expansion of trade options would be proportionate.

I would love the opportunity to set up a system for tailings disposal, where there is mandatory server-wide Tullock auction where everyone is bidding for the right to not be allocated tailings to dispose of. Everyone pays their bid at the end of the auction, and the lowest bidder has to safely dispose of the days tailings. The funds are then embezzled by the environment minister.

Or other shenanigans like that. Flexible auctions seem like they would allow fun possibilities for different solutions beyond selling goods at the best price in a timely fashion - although this one is easily the most important, so you were absolutely right to focus on this goal.