We are playing (we're 4 friends) on a private server right now and we deactivate the meteor countdown because we're only playing for a few hours a week. 30 days with playing for 1 hours about every 2 days, and the meteor destroy us before getting electricity in our houses !!
So, at first, we extend the time to like 60 days... But now we got another problem. Each time we logon, there like 200ish skill point waiting for us to be spend! And we can't really just lower the "Difficulty Settings\Config\SkillGainMultiplier" because when we play on weekend (2 days in a row!), it's damn low to skill-ups something!
Suggestion #1 : When NO one is logged on the server, just halt the game. Halt the tree growing, halt the meteor countdown, halt the skill point getting! Put the game on pause.
Suggestion #2 : Put an option where you disable the skill point gathering when the player is offline. So he can't slack off for a few more days just for getting more point ! There almost like : I've just logon, and i need 50 more points...so i gonna log in a few more days!! You can make this option only available when there no meteor countdown if you want to restrict thing a little!
1 - no, it's intended behavior. e.g. trees grow 3-6 REAL days.
2 - intended too. But sp gathering work only for housing, food provide points only in 24h range.
We are playing (we're 4 friends) on a private server right now and we deactivate the meteor countdown because we're only playing for a few hours a week. 30 days with playing for 1 hours about every 2 days, and the meteor destroy us before getting electricity in our houses !!
So, at first, we extend the time to like 60 days... But now we got another problem. Each time we logon, there like 200ish skill point waiting for us to be spend! And we can't really just lower the "Difficulty Settings\Config\SkillGainMultiplier" because when we play on weekend (2 days in a row!), it's damn low to skill-ups something!
Suggestion #1 : When NO one is logged on the server, just halt the game. Halt the tree growing, halt the meteor countdown, halt the skill point getting! Put the game on pause.
Suggestion #2 : Put an option where you disable the skill point gathering when the player is offline. So he can't slack off for a few more days just for getting more point ! There almost like : I've just logon, and i need 50 more points...so i gonna log in a few more days!! You can make this option only available when there no meteor countdown if you want to restrict thing a little!
Thanks for the great game!
PS: what do you think @elfl0rd