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paper milling #640

Open midn8t opened 5 years ago

midn8t commented 5 years ago

why does paper milling get a major skill tree for making just one item book shelfs and shelf cab ? i would suggest needing paper to do all research book and remove it from major skill tree.

I do not see point of major skill trees that only create one item that is only used for one or two items in game ?

alexarthur94 commented 5 years ago

I like the idea of paper being required for more than just cabinets and bookshelves, and I think it would make sense for paper to be a requirement for skill books and skill scrolls. The only tricky part is, if you need paper to do any research, then how do you discover paper making and get the equipment to make paper? One idea would be that the earliest paper could be made from plant fiber at a campfire, since people used to make paper by boiling chopped grass with a solution of water and wood ashes, and that could have low efficiency but not require research to make, or if it did require research, then it wouldn't require paper for that specific skill book. It would then have to be the first thing one researched. A campfire recipe for paper from plant fibers, though, would make it possible to then create other skill books prior to being able to make paper from wood pulp at a sawmill.

midn8t commented 5 years ago

well you can research things and know what they are, but with out books you cant share that research turning information into a book could be a new crafting thing requires paper.

but point was that there so much research for skills in game that are major trees professions that do pretty much nothing or that have no real value to game.

alexarthur94 commented 5 years ago

I like that idea. You can discover it for yourself, but to share knowledge, you need to use paper.

I know paper milling isn't terribly useful to date (although I do like bookshelves and shelf cabinets), and fishing isn't very useful given that there aren't enough recipes for fish. The mining one just saves a few calories. Are there others? I think the rest are all pretty important.

midn8t commented 5 years ago

I do not remember there was few that felt dead endish professions i mean ended up feeling more like a skills then a profession.

labor, digger, axe some of stuff few more like there survival skills, and sense this game is suppose to be so economy drive it be really nice if professions had more things to sell like they use to back in alpha 4 carpenter being able to sell window frames for example

glass seems be one of those things seems to be point less.

if one profession sells glass and then carpenter sells window frame the player should be able to buy both the glass and the window frame to make a window block be better for economy honestly.

midn8t commented 5 years ago

economy feels really empty each profession just do not have that much to sell any more other then blocks that can be transformed by player into what ever they want it really takes away from the economy which is point of game i thought.

also Fish is a good example of resource that should be able to be used in a lot more things. Fish oil for example is and was use fat to for candles and fuel for lights historically.

in some ways i feel older alpha version where more in depth and fun interesting then newer versions of the economy. -> personally sense version 5 I have lost interest in this game and so have my friends.

alexarthur94 commented 5 years ago

There are lots of things to sell other than just blocks for building. For instance, there are many types of furniture and appliances that need to be crafted, not to mention equipment, food, materials, etc. It would make construction very difficult, probably frustrating, if every type of block had to be bought individually. But it would make sense if the window frame block was removed from construction and had to be crafted using glass and lumber (there's already framed glass for steel framed windows).

The key to keeping the economy interesting is having a large enough player base on the server and having a high enough collaboration setting to force people to specialize rather than everyone learning all the skills they need for themselves.

But I definitely agree on the fish thing. The same goes for rice, beans, and probably some other crops. In fact, I plan on adding some recipes to the next server I start so that hopefully all food sources will be useful rather than some phasing out later on. Hopefully I can figure that out properly. That said, I know the developers will get to that eventually. It's a complex game and there are still lots of important things to add.

midn8t commented 5 years ago

as a whole alot of things to sell when you break it down to profession like if you just a mason and cant be anything elese then there not a lot. the total number of items that are make able or sell able over all in game means nothing when there alot of specialization that do not get access to much of anything to sell.

Carpenter does have little more to sell for example but that dosnt help someone who stuck as the mason game meant to be played with 50 or more people and some if you have really high specilization you end up not doing much more then one profession. and sometimes even limited in that profession like just cuz you mason dosnt mean you be making glass. may not have points do that.

so on high speaicliz chances are you just be brick layer and stone worker and thats it if not just one of those two thing.

there not alot to sell there.

you can through all stuff that is in game for sale as whole when you working with high specializations it dosnt work.

iv played mason class on high specialization trust me there not alot to sell.

if specialization high enough due to amount of people chance are good profession get broken down even more I played on server where there was a one mason and one brick maker and glass maker each of those was one person where there own store and all they got sell was just those things. no one had points do do anything else.

honestly economy is ehh for high speiclization and alot of players on a single server each specialization needs more things to sell and make.

glass maker should have more things for them to make then just glass

brickmaker needs more then just blocks and other 8 items that incress skill count

the wood working specialization profession seem to have most thing to make and sell compared to other specialization classes which is kind of issue some people on server end up not being able to make any monie to buy food or do things so then they have to spend points on doing that stuff just to squaek buy so then they cant expand a profession.

economy might be fine on a low point server where specialization are cheap and there not a lot of players and people can do 4 or 8 specializations but not on high specialization servers and not with a lot of players on them.

but hay its not my game developers can do what they want all in all i am done with it i seen all there is to be seen played best version of the game already so where me and my group i think done with this. I think rise of industry is some what better teaching tool for how man effects nature and development and economy.

I actually didn't even know i was subscribed to this thread any more lol if there curies why in general there so few servers and so few people playing game its just due to game play and economy.

Blanclour commented 5 years ago

I like the idea of paper being used in research. Perhaps make several versions of the recipe with increasing levels of efficiency. The first recipe could be made easily to allow the discovery of early game skills but would be slow and inefficient.

Perhaps a mid-game mechanical press that has better efficiency and speed, where mid game skills require bigger amounts of paper that can only be easily achieved with the new press. And perhaps an end game massive paper mill that can mass produce paper at great speed and efficiency to afford late game skills which require colossal amounts of paper.

If it seems illogical that a skill book should use a massive amount of paper, think about all the phases of the research process which use paper from initial concept drafts to schematics and manuals and all the paper used in between. Paper is a great way to indicate the complexity of a research project.

elfl0rd commented 4 years ago

Totally agree. @D3nnis3n maybe you interested about?