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Allow blank instructor hint messages #1090

Open vrad-exe opened 1 year ago

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Which component should be improved?


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If a env_instructor_hint message is set to an empty string, it will be automatically replaced with "No Caption Specified". This is stupid, it should just stay blank and show only the icon. image

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Okay, this is actually just the default text set for the caption in scripts/instructor_lessons.txt, I wonder if changing that to be blank would work correctly

TeamSpen210 commented 1 year ago

Does setting the caption to a space ( ), or something like that work?

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

It does, except then Hammer auto strips trailing spaces and AddOutput doesn't consider that valid syntax so you have to do it through VScript...