StrataSource / Engine

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Enhancement: Ability to parent and attach info_overlay entities to moving brushes #1125

Open Wheattttt opened 5 months ago

Wheattttt commented 5 months ago

What would this enhancement be for?


Describe your enhancement suggestion in more detail

Currently, info_overlay entities cannot move. They only function on world brushes, func_detail brushes, or displacements. It would be very useful if they could be parented to at least func_brush brush types as well, which would allow them to be mobile natively. I have no idea if this would even be feasible to implement, but I thought I'd create this issue in the event that it is.

SCell555 commented 5 months ago

info_overlay is not an actual entity that exists at runtime, and is only defined by its position in engine. So there is no way to make them parented to anything.

vrad-exe commented 5 months ago

Since Strata has a custom BSP format, couldn't this be done by adding data to the overlay lump that specifies a brush model index for each overlay to be attached to? All positioning would then be done relative to that brush entity's origin instead of the map origin