StrataSource / Engine

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Bug: setting mat_specular to 0 does not remove custom envmap reflections #359

Open luxeleios opened 2 years ago

vrad-exe commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest instead calling it mat_specular_all and having it completely disable specular rendering, while mat_specular only disables map-specific cubemaps. The case where you might want that is when building cubemaps - premade cubemap reflections should still appear since they already exist, but map-specific cubemaps shouldn't since they'd be missing textures or the default cubemap at this point.

While we're at it, we should also rename mat_fastspecular to mat_specular_noreload or something so people stop thinking it enables some sort of "fancy specular".

luxeleios commented 2 years ago


vrad-exe commented 2 years ago

Cubemaps and envmaps are two different names for the same thing, that would just be confusing. Maybe the map-specific cubemaps toggle would be mat_specular_mapspecific or something? I don't know...

luxeleios commented 2 years ago

Specular is an umbrella term. It refers to many things, not just envmaps.

I don't thinking envmap vs cubemap is confusing, because they have a clear distinction in engine in terms of their end user workflow. Tldr it might be confusing for people totally unfamiliar with source's material and mapping workflows (so, those who only have general 3d experience), but at that point you should be looking it up before trying to work with source.

mat_specular_cubemap and mat_specular_envmap/_custom might work too.

luxeleios commented 2 years ago

We might also want to have mat_specular_pbr