StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: Portal shot classname ignore controlling #1287

Open MyGamepedia opened 1 year ago

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Which component should be improved?


Describe your suggestion

Currently we need manually add every single entity in game code, if we want portal shot will ignore entity. Currently P2CE have a lot of entitys that portal shot should ignore, but it not do so, this is item_item_crate, npc_bullseye, items, weapons and many other things. Modders can't control this behavior without game code editing. Because of this we can get situation like in CWTH puzzle with the box. To get gravity gun (that should help solve other puzzle) in this level - I need to break box by dropping it from a great height twice. Simple logic, BUT - I can't do so normally, because portal shot NOT ignore item_item_crate, like prop_physics. Because of this - solving the puzzle turns into hell. Most people get think so, but because of this - they prefer to skip this, because portal shot don't ignoring item_item_crate and not allow to done this puzzle. I was very upset when I saw the same in P2CE. I suggest place portal shot classname ignoring from game code to scripts folder. If modder will need some classname ignore - he'll can do so very easy by adding classname to .txt file. To control it in real time in map - we can add console command that can chose other portal shot classname ignore list, for example choseportalshotclassnameignorelist "file name". By default game will use portalshotignoreclassname_default.txt, there will be written all classnames that should ignore portal shot in developers opinion. This should improve quality of life for everyone. P2CE programmers will not need any more to recompile .dll files just for add classname ignore. Simple mappers will have very simple way to control it for situations like in CWTH with item_item_crate puzzle. Players will not burn in hell because of this.

This is CWTH gameplay video there I try to done the puzzle.

Here I shot to gib.

Portal_Screenshot_2022 10 06_-_18 27 44 56

Here I shot to npc_bullseye that I've place in air.

Portal_Screenshot_2022 08 06_-_17 27 55 84

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

(flashlight is avaible in original Portal by ent_fire !player addoutput "effects 4")