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Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Remove promo weapon entities #1307

Open vrad-exe opened 1 year ago

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Which component should be improved?


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Portal 2 had a set of promotional Co-op items given to those who pre-ordered the game: the Paint Job skins, the Roll Cage, and the Antenna Topper (an Aperture logo flag). However, the way these items are implemented is completely different from all the Robot Enrichment items: rather than being actual items stored in the user's inventory, they are automatically equipped if the player owns a specific DLC which was given when pre-ordering the game, as long as they don't have anything else equipped in that slot. Internally, the Paint Job skins are a secondary skin on the bots' models (whereas all the other skins use a separate copy of the model), while the Roll Cage and Antenna Topper are weapons, automatically given to the bots on spawn, with these classnames:

These "weapons" are completely useless in P2CE: we don't have the preorder DLC so they will never be given on spawn (I don't think?), and they aren't even useful as hacky custom weapons because the game prevents you from ever having them as your active weapon. If we do ever want to bring these items back, they should just be implemented normally using the econ system instead of through this hacky method.

Should probably also go and clean up the code which sets players to use the paint job skins.

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Do not do this! Maps like F-Stop: Project Capture or the map with RPG for Portal 2 use this entities + VScripts for easy weapon recreations.

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell you can't actually equip them, so how does that work?

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Also we're not supporting f-stop recreations

pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

Do not do this! Maps like F-Stop: Project Capture or the map with RPG for Portal 2 use this entities + VScripts for easy weapon recreations.

you can't even use these items at all, they're like TF2 hats but worse

pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

mods make use of Base(HL)CombatWeapon for this kind of stuff, not some obscure gamestop promo entity

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Also weapon_portal_base, which is a weapon that doesn't do anything but can otherwise still be equipped and drawn as normal.

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

I know, but it'll cut compatibility anyway.

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Do not do this! Maps like F-Stop: Project Capture or the map with RPG for Portal 2 use this entities + VScripts for easy weapon recreations.

you can't even use these items at all, they're like TF2 hats but worse

You can get them in console.

pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

I know, but it'll cut compatibility anyway.

There's no compatibility with something that's not even usable in the base game

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

Can you actually point to a map that's using these rather than weapon_portal_base etc. for custom weapons?

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Can you actually point to a map that's using these rather than weapon_portal_base etc. for custom weapons?

pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

Can you actually point to a map that's using these rather than weapon_portal_base etc. for custom weapons?

The first and second maps on the list use weapon_cubemap and BaseHLCombatWeapon, not the gamestop weapons

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Can you actually point to a map that's using these rather than weapon_portal_base etc. for custom weapons?

The first and second maps on the list use weapon_cubemap and BaseHLCombatWeapon, not the gamestop weapons

Are you sure ? You've check ?

pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

Can you actually point to a map that's using these rather than weapon_portal_base etc. for custom weapons?

The first and second maps on the list use weapon_cubemap and BaseHLCombatWeapon, not the gamestop weapons

Are you sure ? You've check ?



pivotman319-owo commented 1 year ago

ditto for punt and p2 weapon deathmatch (maps 3 and 4), both of these use weapon_cubemap and BasePortalCombatWeapon

image image

tmob03 commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell you can't actually equip them, so how does that work?

I was messing with these a few days ago to add to the fgd, lol. I noticed they would be equipped either when you gave them to yourself, or you spawned one with ent_create and walked over them. Need to use third person to see them of course

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

By "equip" I meant pull it out and have it as your currently active weapon, with the viewmodel drawn. That actually does seem to work though, it was behaving weirdly when I tried it last night.

Trico-Everfire commented 1 year ago

Why not, remove them currently, and when the scripting system comes around, replicate their behaviour in script, so that the maps become playable again. It'd be a hack ontop of a hack, but it'd make the maps playable. There's no good reason for base Portal 2, portal 1 or HL2 to keep them.