StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: Gel color material proxy #1358

Open Hikkikira opened 1 year ago

Hikkikira commented 1 year ago

Which component should be improved?

textures via proxy material

Describe your suggestion

(LOW PRIOTRITY) Pump station ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA and gel control terminals should matches player's gel colors for bounce speed and portal gel. same goes for overlays/paint_splatter004b and overlays/paint_splatter004c

Hikkikira commented 1 year ago

addtional: the props for underground and PeTI paint droppers should have their current textures modified to match the player's gel color, and one additional skin (with a new pattern) added that can accept rendercoloring (the reason their wouldn't just be only two skins total is because the textures for the three gel types have a different pattern)