StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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NPCs not rotating after portal teleportation #1441

Open MyGamepedia opened 1 year ago

MyGamepedia commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Some NPCs (also in Portal) already can go through portals in specific situations. However - after teleportation NPC not get correct Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) angles. It's not only visual stuff, some of the NPCs also get broken behavior after this. Antlion, can be teleported if flew in portal, was pushed thanks physcannon, portal was placed on place there antlion comes out ground.

Headcrab (any) can be teleported if jumped in portal (when attack player), was pushed thanks physcannon.

Fast zombie can be teleported if jumped in portal (when attack player).

Issue Map

Any technically, refers to Portal: Epic Edition, Chell's Way To Home, some other mods for Portal, Half Life 2 and mods for it.

To Reproduce

  1. Open any map.
  2. Enter in console sv_cheats 1; impulse 101; give weapon_physcannon; ent_create npc_antlion; notarget.
  3. Open two linked portals.
  4. Push antlion to portal thanks physcannon.
  5. Pay attention that it's not rotating after teleportation.

Operating System
