StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: Rename Portal 1 Crosshair command #1526

Closed dot-64 closed 8 months ago

dot-64 commented 10 months ago

Which component should be improved?


Describe your suggestion

In P2CE there is a command that gives you the Portal 1 crosshair which is named portalgun_crosshair_mode. This naming convention is inconsistent with all of the other naming conventions presented in the cvars in the game. Since this command is a client togglable command and is not forced on or off by any servers I think it would be a good change to have this command be with the client (cl) prefix.

My suggestion would be for this command to be named cl_portal_crosshair_style, as a boolean value, Zero as the Portal 2 crosshair and one as the Portal 1 Crosshair. I figured that the prefix cl_portal would be a good addition to the command named cl_portal_alterate_colors already present in the game.

Either way it's not a big deal, just something I thought about :p

MyGamepedia commented 10 months ago

Think that be more useful creation of page in their wiki that will describe every new cvars that available only in P2CE and Momentum Mod.