StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: Model animation speed control / transitions #1537

Open Konclan opened 9 months ago

Konclan commented 9 months ago

Which component should be improved?


Describe your suggestion

Entities like Funnels and Laser Catchers manually change the speed of their models through the code (or so I assume) and there is no easy way to replicate this without the use of vscripts. Unsure if this is a feature that should be added to prop_dynamic or models themselves.

ozxybox commented 4 months ago

@AWildErin does this relate to some of your other entity work?

AWildErin commented 4 months ago

@AWildErin does this relate to some of your other entity work?

no, it does not. My other work was related to models only