StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Bug: Adhesion gel effects player going through a portal on the other side of the wall #1540

Open FuzzyLeo opened 9 months ago

FuzzyLeo commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

When walking through a portal and theres adhesion gel on the other side of the wall (and the wall is thin enough) the adhesion gel effects the player for a second, tilting the view slightly and making the noise.

Video of desribed issue:

Issue Map

Any map where adhesion gel can be placed on a thin-ish wall and a portal on the other side of the wall

To Reproduce

1, open any map with a relatively thin portalable wall 2, place adhesion gel on one side of the wall 3, place one portal on the other side of the wall and another elsewhere 4, walk through the portal

Operating System

No response

AWildErin commented 9 months ago

This isn’t adhesion gel, it’s the speed gel. Just for clarification it probably would work on all gels, but the one in the video is speed

FuzzyLeo commented 9 months ago

in the video i show it with just the adhesion gel, the speed gel just happened to be there at the beginning

FuzzyLeo commented 9 months ago

this shows what i mean:

im gonna be honest im not sure where you got it being due to the speed gel from

AWildErin commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I only had time to look at the video for a few seconds and I only saw the speed gel part!