StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: custom Soundoperator for adhesion gel. #1680

Open Trico-Everfire opened 2 months ago

Trico-Everfire commented 2 months ago

Which component should be improved?


Describe your suggestion

It'd be nice to have (custom) sound operators for standing on adhesion gel, maybe even have different sound operators for what orientation the player is standing on. I have been making adhesion gel puzzles, and despite it's glaring issues (clipping being the main one) it's a really fun element to design tests around, just, it doesn't have the operators like the other gels have. and I know that the other gels technically don't have operators themselves, but rather the player's speed being the factor, but for Adhesion Gel, the player can stand still and have the gel take effect, so it'd be nice if it has something to sound when the player is standing on it.