StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Enhancement: Add cvar for reverting P2's changes to grabbing objects #1699

Open Wheattttt opened 2 months ago

Wheattttt commented 2 months ago

What would this enhancement be for?


Describe your enhancement suggestion in more detail

P2 has unique behavior for grabbing objects, that causes them to snap upwards when other geometry is nearby. This was clearly designed to prevent cubes from getting snagged, but works horribly with smaller objects and smaller gaps. A cvar to disable this and revert to p1-like grab functionality (or at least something similar) would be very welcome.


vrad-exe commented 2 months ago

Should perhaps also make it dependent on the size of the object, so smaller models don't get snapped upward as much