StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Soundscript prefix keyvalue for entities with hardcoded sounds #373

Open vrad-exe opened 3 years ago

vrad-exe commented 3 years ago

It's currently not possible to change turret voicelines without entirely replacing the originals, or using some very hacky workarounds. It'd be nice to have the ability to change this using a keyvalue.

Since it would get kind of messy having individual keyvalues for every line, I imagine this would be implemented as a "Voice SoundScript Prefix" keyvalue. This would default to NPC_FloorTurret, and would be added as a prefix to the soundscript names to play. So for example, setting this to OldTurret would cause it to play OldTurret.TalkActive, OldTurret.TalkDisabled, etc. This should work fine since I doubt there are many cases where you'd only want to change some of the lines.

vrad-exe commented 3 years ago

Not sure whether this should apply to other sounds (deploy/retract, ping, etc.) as well. Maybe make that toggleable.

Fennecai commented 3 years ago

maybe this should be expanded to all entities which have hard-coded sounds, too. like pedestal buttons. it would be good for making portal 1 styled maps.

StefanH-AT commented 3 years ago

Please list all entities that need this