StrataSource / Portal-2-Community-Edition

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition
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Feature: Colorblind accessibility options for colored lasers #516

Open Critfish opened 3 years ago

Critfish commented 3 years ago

Which component should be improved?

Render, Entity, Gameplay, UI/UX

Describe your suggestion

Some form of colorblind mode for colored lasers. They're a great testing element, but anybody with colorblindness will struggle to differentiate the different laser types.

Expected result

There are several ways you could go about solving this issue. HUD overlays could work, though that could look messy. Placing symbols on the emitters/cubes/receivers might work, but it'd still leave the lasers themselves unable to be identified. Perhaps a "shape" projected along the laser beam itself could work, without looking too visually noisy, though from longer distances, it may still not work properly.

StefanH-AT commented 3 years ago

Having similar laser colors isn't a good design principle in general. As a designer you should factor this in, but i don't know how something like this would be changed on a code-level

Also for opening suggestions, use the discussions tab and only open an issue if you're actually certain what the feature should look like

saismeesaimonsaimes commented 3 years ago

If this is ever added, I feel like there should be a specific menu for accessibility settings that's easy to find in the options. I hate when people are excluded because they are different, and having more options for colourblindness is a good start.

ozxybox commented 2 years ago

A fast, perhaps not pretty, solution to this would be using Source's built in "Noise" function for beams (where the beams move and look more like electricity). This might defeat the idea of it being a laser though...

ozxybox commented 2 years ago

Marked as medium rather than low, as colored lasers would be very frustrating to those with colorblindness.