Stratio / Spark-MongoDB

Spark library for easy MongoDB access
Apache License 2.0
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df.saveToMongodb is saving data in a wrong format. #156

Open Ahmed-Wagdy opened 8 years ago

Ahmed-Wagdy commented 8 years ago

Trying to save a DataFrame into MongoDB : val event = """{"Dev":[{"a":3},{"b":3}],"hr":[{"a":6}]}""" val events = sc.parallelize(event :: Nil) val df = val saveConfig = MongodbConfigBuilder(Map(Host -> List("localhost:27017"), Database -> "test", Collection -> "test", SamplingRatio -> 1.0, WriteConcern -> "normal", SplitSize -> 8, SplitKey -> "_id")) df.saveToMongodb(

and that is what actually saved : { "_id" : ObjectId("57cedf4bd244c56e8e783a45"), "Dev" : [ { "a" : NumberLong(3), "b" : null }, { "a" : null, "b" : NumberLong(3) } ], "hr" : [ { "a" : NumberLong(6) } ] }

AndyShih12 commented 8 years ago

That's the correct behaviour, and has to do with Spark not SparkMongo. You are saving it to a dataframe val df =, which must have a valid schema. In this case "Dev" is forced to be an array with schema a:Long and b:Long, so Spark fills in the missing fields with null.

Run to see what I mean