StratusNetwork / Rotations

Map Rotations for the Stratus Network
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Remove Desert Country #159

Open 2000thehecf1 opened 6 years ago

2000thehecf1 commented 6 years ago

This map is usually just a boring stalemate that collapses the rotations sometimes leaving a lot of people in obs. If you are trying to attack, you will have to deal with newly spawned people that has like 20 seconds of resistance 5 which makes them invincible to anyone rushing, and defending is quite easy due to the void gap between base and woolroom and thin lanes.

Arcsing commented 6 years ago

Not sure about this map being usually an stalemate. As of 02/02, in the last 7 days only 4 times the map has lasted more than 30 minutes. I do agree the resistance should be reduced, however most attackers will use the outside islands to rush towards the wools, dodging this newly spawned players who would just go straight to midlane. Also, the fact that defending is presented as something easy is not bad in the least. The void gap and thin lanes are characteristic of the map, and the woolrooms are right behind spawn: few players would look back to help defenders. In my opinion this map is pretty well balanced (attacking/defending wise) and while it might need some tweaks, I find it one of the most fun maps to play in the current rotations.