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OpenSSL 1.1.1 EOL #132

Open fabian-lauer opened 9 months ago

fabian-lauer commented 9 months ago


currently facing a problem in one of our company projects that the IT sec team is complaining about OpenSSL version used in StrawberryPerl.

Based on this information: end of life is very close.

Is there any idea or planed software release to fix this problem? e.g. change version to 3.x.x

Thx. Fabian

shawnlaffan commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the report. We can have a go at building OpenSSL3. I won't have a chance until later this month, though.

The MSYS2 project have patches available that can be adapted if needed:

vitusb commented 3 months ago

Using old outdated OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries could be a security issue

I also would like to point out that the OpenSSL version 1.1.1 libraries, used in Strawberry Perl, are heavily outdated. This situation could be a security issue for all relevant package-dependencies.

I did a test-build of OpenSSL 3.1.5 x64 with zlib-1.3.1 x84 under mingw of Strawberryperl (gcc.exe (MinGW-W64 winlibs x86_64-msvcrt-posix-seh 13.1.0) without "__"-suffix for x64 (zlib has this suffix).

I had to apply some patches in order to use an ancient perl 5.24 version (with Unix-Path support) under MSYS 1.0 and GCC from SP for running the "Configure"-script of OpenSSL 3.1.5 🥵 . The official patches from openssl-commit are not directly usable with OpenSSL 3.1.5 and had to be merged ... The "openssl-3.0.8-relocation.patch" did not worked for me; the build was only possible, when "openssl-3.0.8-relocation.patch" was not applied.

Below are the patches and the binaries, built by MinGW-W64 winlibs x86_64-msvcrt-posix-seh 13.1.0 + Msys 1.19 + an ancient perl 5.24 (be aware, this is only a PoC for testing). I was unable to build OpenSSL 3.1.5 by using a modified version of the openssl-1.1.1-"mingw-builds"-scripts. Last but not least i used a manual configure-line without the scriptings from the "mingw-builds"-sections for the old OpenSSL 1.1.1 version ... All infos are in the Zip-File 👍🏼:

./Configure shared zlib enable-rfc3779 enable-camellia enable-capieng no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc4 no-rc5 --with-zlib-lib=./zlib --with-zlib-include=./zlib/include --prefix=c:/openssl --openssldir=c:/openssl/ssl mingw64

openssl version -a OpenSSL 3.1.5 30 Jan 2024 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.5 30 Jan 2024) built on: Tue Mar 26 19:06:23 2024 UTC platform: mingw64 options: bn(64,64) compiler: gcc -m64 -Wall -O3 -DL_ENDIAN -DOPENSSL_PIC -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_MT -DOPENSSL_BUILDING_OPENSSL -DZLIB -DNDEBUG -I./zlib/include OPENSSLDIR: "c:/openssl/ssl" ENGINESDIR: "c:/openssl/lib64/engines-3" MODULESDIR: "c:/openssl/lib64/ossl-modules" Seeding source: os-specific CPUINFO: OPENSSL_ia32cap=0x7ffaf3bfffebffff:0x29c67af

Here are the used patches for OpenSSL 3.1.5:

Here are the used patches for ZLib 1.3.1:

Here are the openssl-binaries (build-extlibs/releases x64):

Here are the zlib-binaries (build-extlibs/releases x64):

It seems to be, that there are a lot of issues when running the "Configure"-Perlscript with older perl-versions. For details, see:

Which version of OpenSSL should be the new target for Strawberryperl ? Any ideas ?

ZLib used in gcc backend of Strawberry Perl is vulnerable

Also the x64 zlib dll (zlib1__.dll) from winlibs personal build version gcc-13.1.0-mingw-w64msvcrt-11.0.0-r5 of Strawberry Perl is version The "zlib1.dll" under "c/bin" is also x64 (not x86) with a version of and has CVE-2022-37434 (zlib through 1.2.12) and CVE-2023-45853 (zlib through 1.3). Both scores are critical 🔥



ZLib latest version is ZLib v1.3.1

shawnlaffan commented 1 week ago

SP 5.40 will use OpenSSL 3.3.0.

There is a 5.40-RC1 available at