I've been trying to get your player working within Angular 7, and finally got Angular to not throw errors relating to constructors or methods not existing and it looks like it does connect to the proxy successfully, but I've not getting any video data back from it. The stream I know is fine as I've tested both the ones I've used with the basic html/js implementation from your examples folder and it connects and displays.
Not directly, I bypassed the problem by making the component call an iframe with the basic javascript version in it. Which is not good design from an Angular SPA perspective.
I've been trying to get your player working within Angular 7, and finally got Angular to not throw errors relating to constructors or methods not existing and it looks like it does connect to the proxy successfully, but I've not getting any video data back from it. The stream I know is fine as I've tested both the ones I've used with the basic html/js implementation from your examples folder and it connects and displays.
Console log can be found here: https://pastebin.com/zXmyGrV5
Any advice would be appreciated, I'm using v7.2.0 of Angular.