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Add a webpage for our data analysis online game #71

Open teresa-m opened 3 years ago

teresa-m commented 3 years ago

How can we include the Information about our online game to our webpage?

We can add information on the idea, our vision statement, and how people can get involved.

heylf commented 3 years ago

Learn in an interactive game about DNA, beer, sequencing, and Galaxy.

Our Vision Scepticisms arises more and more because of false information and one-sided perspectives. Scientific advancements such as sequencing is often connote with distrust, and words like gene therapy or gene editing triggers in most people a surreal fear. We think that science is not accessible enough for citizens and we see a lack of a fun platform to learn about metagenomic data analysis. Thus we are currently developing the first citizen-reviewed game for a Galaxy instance.

The Idea We want to created a gaming parkour so people can dive into science and our project in a playful matter. They will learn about metagenomic data from the raw sequencing files to the interpretation of the data analysis. We will use Galaxy as a platform to teach about sequencing data, microbiota data analysis, and Galaxy itself.

How can you get involved? You can start reading our website and following us on Twitter or Instagram. If you want to support us then send the link our page to the people and groups that you think might be interested. If you want to participate in our of our workshops than please register on our website. If you want to join us then record a short video, tell us something about: Why do you want to join? what would you like to do? What are your experiences and what kind of experience would you like to gain from us? What are your hobbies?