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[feature request] including ZeroTier #13

Open cpu opened 6 years ago

cpu commented 6 years ago

Suggested by @strixaluco in

Wanted to suggest ZeroTier, which is zero-configuration multiplatform software-based FOSS switch. Technical FAQ

Clients: ZeroTier One Linux / macOS / Windows / Android / iOS

laduke commented 6 years ago

Here's how you would set up ZeroTier as the equivalent of a privacy VPN, if anyone ever ends up here

Overriding Default Route / Full Tunnel Mode

If you tried to do this on a Streisand instance, I bet you'd have some issues with the other tap/tun devices, routing, iptables... to work through.

The client is very simple to set up though and some people may already be using it for other things. I guess if you were out and about on your laptop or phone, you could have access to your home/office LAN and your tunnel from the same VPN connection.