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Custom ssh port to "Existing server" #159

Open root2185 opened 5 years ago

root2185 commented 5 years ago

This method doesn' t work anymore: # @cpu Can you please add this feature? Can someone explain me how works the ANSIBLE_SSH_USER environmental variable? In the readme, Running Streisand on Other Providers (Advanced) (existing server) option i can see:

The server must be accessible using the $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa SSH Key, and root is used as the connecting user by default. If your provider requires you to SSH with a different user than root (e.g. ubuntu) specify the ANSIBLE_SSH_USER environmental variable (e.g. ANSIBLE_SSH_USER=ubuntu) when you run ./streisand.

My idea is to introduce somehow the ANSIBLE_SSH_PORT environmental variable based on the user one.

root2185 commented 5 years ago

@jlund Since you solved this problem once, can you help me?