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vpn won't stay connected on my Osx 13.t6 #174

Open covici opened 5 years ago

covici commented 5 years ago

I have your vpn, probably fromabout end of July. On the phone, I got it to work by setting compress to downlink in the OpenVPN settings, on the computer, I got it to work sort of by modifying the config file to say compress with nothing afterwards and then unchecking the setting to check if the public ip address had changed. It still does not stay connected, sometimes it will work for a few minutes and sometimes it will be just a few seconds, so I am stumped. Should I spin up a new one with the latest from git -- or what would help? I get a warning also about an invalid option being pushed from the server, something about block outside dns.

Thanks in advance for any suggestikons.

eduardoflorendo commented 5 years ago

thanks for discussion I found out how to's