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Oracle Cloud #188

Open tiliarou opened 4 years ago

tiliarou commented 4 years ago

As Oracle Cloud now includes a free tier including 2 VM (1Ghz CPU, 1G ram) and API access, maybe it can be added to the list of providers ?

luigi311 commented 4 years ago

It is always nice to have a new provider included. Looking at the networking information of the always free tier there is a "10 TB/month Outbound Data Transfer" limitation which is pretty good for free compared to other providers. The only questionable bit is the fact that it includes a load balancer with a bandwidth of 10 Mbps but i am unsure if that load balancer is required and what the speed is normally. Any one have any experience with it yet?

tiliarou commented 4 years ago

Not sure either... I tried provisioning a VM manually with streisand and it installed properly. But I still can't access the streisand page from the server although I opened web server ports in the virtual NIC. I don't think the load balancer is mandatory.

koshi-dono commented 4 years ago

I just successfully installed it without any issues. Speed is ok too.

tiliarou commented 4 years ago

I just successfully installed it without any issues. Speed is ok too.

What is your firewall config ? Especially for shadowsock, I dont know how to route ports

icfaust commented 4 years ago

You need to go to the 'security lists' under Resources and navigate to the default security list for your instance. Then you need to add a several ingress rules.

1st ingress rule is so that the webpage will load from the server, you do this by setting destination port 443 available with CIDR source type for on TCP). That should allow you to access the webserver, if not do the same thing for port 80.

The firewalls html file generated by streisand will give you what other ports you will need to open, for what protocols. Simply follow what TCP/UDP are listed using the same CIDR and

This should be everything. If the things are still not available, you may have to follow this guide from stackoverflow.

tiliarou commented 4 years ago

I thought I had done all of this but I had a rule with incoming CIDR source on on TCP to allow all ports to 443 instead of 443 to 443 (source/dest)... Thanks a lot anyway !