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adding new service provider #196

Closed computer777 closed 4 years ago

computer777 commented 4 years ago

Hey there Streisand devs. I picked up a prebuilt Debian OS VPS pack in which the service is provided by World Servers. So I chose option 8 for the initial ./Streisand option.

I'm just now thinking it's not designed for a Debian install.

But, anyway, when it was time to do so I input the IP address of the server.

But, it was unable to process the request due to having a password.

Any way to accommodate this (ssh password required). For the non intereractive install it can point to --user , but what about password?

Hoping this is clear

nickolasclarke commented 4 years ago

@computer777 quickly responding on mobile, so I cant go into full detail here but:

  1. Streisand is designed for Ubuntu 16.04 at the moment, Debian is not supported.
  2. Your host must be accessible via a ssh key-pair.

further instructions on how to do an install against an unsupported service provider can be found here: