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Add Privoxy support to weaken mass data collection #22

Open cpu opened 6 years ago

cpu commented 6 years ago

Suggested by @DanielHeath in

If we're trying to prevent/avoid mass data collection as well as mass censorship, or similar might be a worthwhile addition to the streisand bundle.

Any interest? I might see if I can get it running next weekend.

There was some follow-on discussion in that should be referenced by anyone wanting to restart the discussion here.

moaxey commented 6 years ago

It is very simple to block hosts with /etc/hosts and the dnsmasq config requires no changes. I use this project (although I generate the hosts file locally and copy it up to a streisand instance)

nopdotcom commented 6 years ago

How much memory does dnsmasq use with a typical /etc/hosts?

NightMachinery commented 5 years ago

I like Privoxy integration, too.