Closed lpuglia closed 8 months ago
Hello, up until recently i was able to use beamup-cli to deploy my addon with :
beamup deploy
for some reason i can't do that anymore, here is the log message:
nothing to commit, working tree clean Deploying to ****************************************************************************** * WARNING !!! * * * * Unauthorized access strictly prohibited. * * * * Usage of this system may be monitored and recorded by system personnel. * * * * Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is * * advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal * * activity, system personnel may provide the evidence from such monitoring * * to law enforcement officials. * * * * Individuals using this equipment without authority, or in excess of their * * authority, are subject to legal action. * * * ****************************************************************************** Enumerating objects: 5, done. Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. Delta compression using up to 16 threads Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 290 bytes | 290.00 KiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: -----> Cleaning up... remote: -----> Building 6ef53e8aac88-itatv from herokuish... remote: -----> Adding BUILD_ENV to build environment... remote: -----> Node.js app detected remote: remote: -----> Creating runtime environment remote: remote: NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error remote: NODE_VERBOSE=false remote: NODE_ENV=production remote: NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true remote: remote: -----> Installing binaries remote: engines.node (package.json): unspecified remote: engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) remote: remote: Resolving node version 20.x... remote: Downloading and installing node 20.11.0... remote: Using default npm version: 10.2.4 remote: remote: -----> Restoring cache remote: - npm cache remote: remote: -----> Installing dependencies remote: Installing node modules remote: remote: added 182 packages, and audited 183 packages in 2s remote: remote: 28 packages are looking for funding remote: run `npm fund` for details remote: remote: 1 moderate severity vulnerability remote: remote: To address all issues, run: remote: npm audit fix remote: remote: Run `npm audit` for details. remote: remote: -----> Build remote: remote: -----> Caching build remote: - npm cache remote: remote: -----> Pruning devDependencies remote: remote: up to date, audited 183 packages in 1s remote: remote: 28 packages are looking for funding remote: run `npm fund` for details remote: remote: 1 moderate severity vulnerability remote: remote: To address all issues, run: remote: npm audit fix remote: remote: Run `npm audit` for details. remote: npm notice remote: npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.4 -> 10.5.0 remote: npm notice Changelog: <> remote: npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.5.0` to update! remote: npm notice remote: remote: -----> Build succeeded! remote: -----> Discovering process types remote: Default types for -> web remote: -----> Releasing 6ef53e8aac88-itatv (dokku/6ef53e8aac88-itatv:latest)... remote: -----> Deploying 6ef53e8aac88-itatv (dokku/6ef53e8aac88-itatv:latest)... remote: -----> App Procfile file found (/home/dokku/6ef53e8aac88-itatv/DOKKU_PROCFILE) remote: DOKKU_SCALE declares scale -> web=1 remote: =====> Processing deployment checks remote: No CHECKS file found. Simple container checks will be performed. remote: For more efficient zero downtime deployments, create a CHECKS file. See for examples remote: -----> Attempting pre-flight checks (web.1) remote: Waiting for 10 seconds ... remote: Default container check successful! remote: -----> Running post-deploy remote: -----> Configuring built-in template) remote: -----> Creating http nginx.conf remote: Reloading nginx remote: ! No nginx config found for 0e9561f6827c-karthitamilblaster remote: ! No nginx config found for 1fe84bc728af-stremio-porn-plus remote: ! No nginx config found for 31e87a624907-stremio-plugin remote: ! No nginx config found for 379a8fc18f78-peerflix-stremio-addon remote: ! No nginx config found for 39556c56ae36-stremio-addon-forum-deno remote: ! No nginx config found for 43433fff4541-anime-ation remote: ! No nginx config found for 456ec3a6ea0b-tamilyogi-addon remote: ! No nginx config found for 5370decf5996-letterboxd-watchlist remote: ! No nginx config found for 569223f3a994-scc-express-stemio remote: ! No nginx config found for 58196d6c26cf-stremio-cuevana remote: ! No nginx config found for 6a09b312459a-stremio-colum remote: ! No nginx config found for 7a82163c306e-jackrab1t remote: ! Failed to validate nginx config for 85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3. Contents below... remote: remote: server { remote: listen [::]:$PORT; remote: listen $PORT; remote: server_name; remote: access_log /var/log/nginx/85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3-access.log; remote: error_log /var/log/nginx/85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3-error.log; remote: remote: location / { remote: remote: gzip on; remote: gzip_min_length 1100; remote: gzip_buffers 4 32k; remote: gzip_types text/css text/javascript text/xml text/plain text/x-component application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/xml application/rss+xml font/truetype application/x-font-ttf font/opentype application/ image/svg+xml; remote: gzip_vary on; remote: gzip_comp_level 6; remote: remote: proxy_pass http://85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3-$PORT; remote: proxy_http_version 1.1; remote: proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; remote: proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; remote: proxy_set_header Host $http_host; remote: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; remote: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; remote: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; remote: proxy_set_header X-Request-Start $msec; remote: } remote: include /home/dokku/85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3/nginx.conf.d/*.conf; remote: remote: error_page 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 422 423 424 426 428 429 431 444 449 450 451 /400-error.html; remote: location /400-error.html { remote: root /var/lib/dokku/data/nginx-vhosts/dokku-errors; remote: internal; remote: } remote: remote: error_page 404 /404-error.html; remote: location /404-error.html { remote: root /var/lib/dokku/data/nginx-vhosts/dokku-errors; remote: internal; remote: } remote: remote: error_page 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 /500-error.html; remote: location /500-error.html { remote: root /var/lib/dokku/data/nginx-vhosts/dokku-errors; remote: internal; remote: } remote: remote: } remote: remote: upstream 85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3-$PORT { remote: remote: server$PORT; remote: } remote: remote: ! No nginx config found for 938329ffcf2a-filma24 remote: ! No nginx config found for 998cb3ada582-addonlocal remote: ! No nginx config found for 9e3c7746a9df-msms-addon-docker remote: ! No nginx config found for aac82651f25c-tmdb-addon remote: ! No nginx config found for b274dcff20c7-streamio-addon remote: ! No nginx config found for b89262c192b0-reddit-stremio-bot remote: ! No nginx config found for bf17379232ce-turkcealtyazi-stremio-addon remote: ! No nginx config found for ce5b12f9cc11-stremio-nodejs remote: ! No nginx config found for d123dbf3d09a-infowarsaddonstremio remote: ! No nginx config found for da7b1f0540d1-stremio-web remote: ! No nginx config found for edd5113f56b4-static remote: ! No nginx config found for fc61428fb917-sample remote: ! No nginx config found for poc remote: ! No nginx config found for stremio-cinemeta remote: ! No nginx config found for stremio-static remote: ! No nginx config found for stremio-web remote: nginx: [emerg] invalid port in "[::]:$PORT" of the "listen" directive in /home/dokku/85759b1fbd77-yggtorrent-stremio-addon-dev3/nginx.conf:3 remote: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed To ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to '' Project URL:
i'm not sure what changed or if it is even a problem on my side, any guidance will be really appreciated
it solved itself after 2 days...
Hello, up until recently i was able to use beamup-cli to deploy my addon with :
for some reason i can't do that anymore, here is the log message:
i'm not sure what changed or if it is even a problem on my side, any guidance will be really appreciated