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Can't launch streaming server #806

Open hAz4rd0uS opened 1 month ago

hAz4rd0uS commented 1 month ago


Everytime I launch stremio, I get an Application error "Error while starting streaming server".

I tried to desactivate windows defender with no luck, as well as run the app with admin rights.

I set up the environment system variable as support asked (NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=12288) and killed all unused processes. I launched Stremio at 40% RAM utilization but still got the error.

I'm using Windows 10 Pro Versio 22H2 and OS Build 19045.4412.

Here's the stack trace (javascript heap out of memory):

Stremio streaming server has thrown an error QProcess::ProcessError code: 134

<--- Last few GCs --->

[10388:03C50D10] 341 ms: Mark-sweep 1.0 (3.3) -> 0.9 (3.3) MB, 2.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.939, current mu = 0.021) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed [10388:03C50D10] 343 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 0.9 (3.3) -> 0.9 (3.3) MB, 2.3 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.898, current mu = 0.017) last resort GC in old space requested [10388:03C50D10] 346 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 0.9 (2.3) -> 0.9 (3.3) MB, 2.3 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.826, current mu = 0.014) last resort GC in old space requested

<--- JS stacktrace --->

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

Thanks for your support.

TRtomasz commented 1 month ago

Something in your system software or configuration is affecting stremio. You should check out all software you have installed and figure out what it could be, we have limited ways to troubleshoot it remotely. If you want you can share all the installed software on your windows Open control Panel > Programs > Unistall program > Change view to Small Icons or make a screenshot of all installed software and share here image also please share all environmental variables you can find them by doing the following You can open a Command Prompt, type set, and press Enter to display all current environment variables on your PC. just copy and paste them

hAz4rd0uS commented 1 month ago


Here's what you requested:

env1 env2 programs1 programs2 programs3 programs4 programs5

Thanks for your support.


TRtomasz commented 1 month ago

Since streaming server uses NodeJS and i can see in your path you have multiple nodejs related paths you could try backup your path and basically remove everything that is not system related that is everyting that is not starting with C:\Windows and then try to start stremio again. Max old space is also not neede for stremio. Also check your user defined variables

hAz4rd0uS commented 2 weeks ago


I deleted all my not windows related paths in the Path system variable: Now it is like this: C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\windows\System32\OpenSSH\; When I try to remove User Paths, they come back automatically.

Here's my User paths: C:\laragon\bin;C:\laragon\bin\apache\httpd-2.4.47-win64-VS16\bin;C:\laragon\bin\composer;C:\laragon\bin\git\bin;C:\laragon\bin\git\cmd;C:\laragon\bin\git\mingw64\bin;C:\laragon\bin\git\usr\bin;C:\laragon\bin\laragon\utils;C:\laragon\bin\mysql\mysql-5.7.33-winx64\bin;C:\laragon\bin\nginx\nginx-1.19.10;C:\laragon\bin\ngrok;C:\laragon\bin\nodejs\node-v14;C:\laragon\bin\notepad++;C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.7-Win32-vs16-x64;C:\laragon\bin\redis\redis-x64-3.2.100;C:\laragon\bin\telnet;C:\laragon\usr\bin;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Local\Yarn\config\global\node_modules.bin;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Shell 8.0\bin\;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin;C:\Users\Pierrick\Documents\;%USERPROFILE%.dotnet\tools;%NVM_HOME%;%NVM_SYMLINK%;C:\Program Files\Azure Data Studio\bin;C:\Users\Pierrick\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users

Stremio's server still won't start.

I'm quite lost.

Thanks for your help !