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Ability to mark movies and series as watched on android application #208

Open krishne35 opened 2 years ago

krishne35 commented 2 years ago

As its available in desktop app it would be awesome to mark series as watched and mark the old series as watched based on trakt history please

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

Not just based on trakt history. That would be a nice extra feature. But the main issue is the inability to mark as watched at all.

The bigger problem is the complete lack of context menu on Android. Long-tapping on phone/tablet or long-pressing OK on Android TV is the usual method of bringing up context menus. But those do nothing in Stremio for Android/TV.

It would be great if the Mark as Watched menu could be implemented on Android since it has existed for PC for a long time.

The problem is compounded by people using external players on Android since Stremio doesn't mark anything as watched then. So currently people have to memorize what episode they were on. 😉

krishne35 commented 2 years ago

And for some reason watching in desktop marks the episodes as read not with Android app :((((

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

@krishne35 Hmm that is an old, unrelated issue. Which you can comment about in its ticket:

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

I have a followup about the android context menu: I just noticed that context menus DO exist on Android AND Android TV in one place:

The "Continue watching" list on the home page.

If you longtap (phone) or long press (TV) you get a context menu to edit those items.

All we need is the same action to be registered on media items like movies and TV episodes! So that we can open that menu on Android devices and mark stuff as watched. :)

krishne35 commented 2 years ago

Nono what I'm refering is if you watch a series or a movie on desktop there will be a check mark on the left but same thing won't happen when we watch on android app dono why

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

@krishne35 OH yes I just noticed it. Android version doesn't have checkmark for watched data. :/

Edit: This is wrong. Check the comment below instead.

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

@krishne35 I have done some more testing. With a Windows PC, and an Android TV. I used the force-quit/restart method to force Stremio to sync the latest metadata for the TV shows while testing. That way I can force both devices to sync their status rapidly to ensure that both are looking at the latest status. There is actually a periodic auto-sync but restarting the application is the fastest way to force a sync!

These are the results:

  1. Manually marking a show/episode as Watched on Windows PC: You see the ✔ "watched" checkmark on BOTH Android and PC.
  2. Watching an episode to 100% completion on Android using the Internal Player: Stremio doesn't register "watched" status, so there's no checkmark on any platform.
  3. Watching an episode to 100% completion on Windows PC using the Internal Player: Stremio doesn't register "watched" status, so there's no checkmark on any platform.

So the answer is actually very simple:

The fixes necessary:

Stage 1:

Implement the long-tap (phone/tabled) and long-press (android TV) "actions", to make them bring up the context menu for episodes/shows/movies/etc. This seems like it's pretty easy since there are other, already-working context menus in the application on Android, as I have mentioned earlier in this thread. So it seems like there's just an oversight and simple lack of registration of the appropriate click/tap-handler for context menus on media items.

Stage 2:

Perhaps someday, automatically mark things as watched if the player is exited when there's less than X minutes (maybe 5 minutes or so) remaining on the media. That's how most streaming platforms do it. When the end has been reached, things are auto-marked as watched. This could probably only be implemented via the internal player, since there's no way for Stremio to know the actual playback offset of an external player.

TRtomasz commented 2 years ago

@Bananaman thanks for your effort but this was not needed, we are aware about missining mobile app functions regarging "mark as watched". We will try to implement these in the future.

krishne35 commented 2 years ago

@Bananaman thanks for your effort but this was not needed, we are aware about missining mobile app functions regarging "mark as watched". We will try to implement these in the future.

What about the content not getting marked as watched after watching

Arcitec commented 2 years ago


What about the content not getting marked as watched after watching

Like I said (read carefully above), PCs don't mark as watched automatically either. No platform does. Or, if PC sometimes does it then it certainly didn't do it for me. I even watched until the total end of the video, with the internal player, until the video closed itself. Still no "watched" marker, even after restarting Stremio completely. So I don't think it works that way anywhere.


thanks for your effort but this was not needed, we are aware about missining mobile app functions regarging "mark as watched". We will try to implement these in the future.

Oh okay, that's great to hear. I am hopeful that it won't be too hard since the context menu functionality already exists when tapping/holding on the "Continue Watching" items on Android TV and Phone! :) Hoping it's just a lack of registration of the click-handler on Android.

Arcitec commented 2 years ago

PCs now mark watched automatically for me after an episode ends. The feature was offline/broken earlier, somehow.

Anyway, just wanted to post the update to correct what I said earlier.