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Auto sync playback with another user #26

Closed sunnypatel closed 4 years ago

sunnypatel commented 8 years ago

I've been looking for a tool that will allow me to watch movies with my gf remotely. The feature would only have to sync playback between 2 or more clients. Ideally my client will generate a uuid, I can share that uuid with another client and it would attempt to sync playback. Yes the 'weakest link' would be the person with the lowest bandwidth causing the entire party to wait but still would be a badass feature.

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

I agree, it would be a great feature

I've been looking at Hulu With Me and Netflix party for inspiration for this.

we're thinking on how to implement it :)

nathanredblur commented 8 years ago

This is cool :)

ghost commented 7 years ago

It would be great!

LucasLeandro1204 commented 7 years ago

Any solution by now?

TRtomasz commented 4 years ago

Could be done using this sollution

igorcafe commented 2 years ago

Could be done using this sollution

Wait. Which one?

TRtomasz commented 2 years ago

Lol, @igoracmelo looks like link didnt go through, not sure which one i mentioned back then and which one is working now you could check these two posts