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VLC In Stremio #609

Closed Cmai7385 closed 5 months ago

Cmai7385 commented 6 months ago

VLC Player and TV Series "Continue Watching" Segment.

For Devs. Is there any way to resolve the issue in the title when using VLC player, as opposed to the built in player.

If I use VLC, the series is not maintained or is visoble, any longer in the " Continue watching" Segment when I return to the series and wish to continue watching any time after closing down the app.

One of the reasons I use VLC is because of the low sound quality using the built in player. This is evident on every stream available on series or movies.

Thank you

TRtomasz commented 5 months ago

Issue is missing minial needed information like OS and app version. Please update the issue.

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago

App versions Android mobile 1.6.8and Andoid TV. 1.6.4

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago

Why have you closed this, before receiving the info you asked me for

TRtomasz commented 5 months ago

To keep order in this repository. VLC has a bug when it does not return properly exit timestamp if you use stremio option of "Always play in the external player" this is outside of our controll to fix it. If you manually pick VLC as an external player each time you try to play something then we will be able to keep track of this.

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago


I always pick external player manually as opposed to have it preselected in settings as " always use external player".

But I do not use it all the time. Would you like me to start using it, say for a week. And if I do, how will you monitor it? Would you need my details?

TRtomasz commented 5 months ago

@Cmai7385 if you will use it with "Always use external player" for sure it will not work, VLC has a scheme to return results to other apps, and we follow it in both mobile and tv app. But sometimes VLC returns empty object and we cant do anything about it.

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago

@TRtomasz Maybe I misunderstood your previous message. I thought you said if I manually select external player, you could monitor it. I always select manually. That is why I asked you if you wanted to monitor my use of it for the next week.

Please clarify. Thank you for trying to help

TRtomasz commented 5 months ago

Yes, if each time you click in stremio option to play in external player and then manually select VLC it should be working fine. But stil, if VLC returns empty response there is nothing we can do about this.

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago


Thank you. So far on a number of series streams, I have used VLC, it has not kept the series in " Continue watching" when there are still more episodes to watch. I will monitor this now. And if it doesn't always work, I accept that there is nothing you can do. Thank you for an amazing app. It has improved the life of one certain senior citizen in retirement.😀

So, one final question because the built in player is really good. The only issue that I and other users discuss, is the low volume on so many streams.

Is this a stream issue, or can stremio app devs help in any way to increase the volume?


TRtomasz commented 5 months ago

My only idea regarding low volume could be caused by the fact you are trying to play a stream that has multiple audio channels (like 5.1 7.1 atmos etc) but your system does not support it. You could try to switch in the mobile app: Audio passthrough option in the tv app: Tunneled playback option

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago


Ok. That is very helpful information.

I have a Samsung Q60T soundbar. Which plays 5.1 as far as I know. But I will check our your tips when I stream tomorrow.

Thank you again for all your help.

Cmai7385 commented 5 months ago

@TRtomasz Hello.

I thought I would give you some feedback on sounds and volume.

I enabled passthrough and 5.1 and 7.1 channels play fine. So, thank you for the advice. Just some information for you as feedback.
Playing a DV stream does not show on my AFR when using built in player, nor VLC. But works fine if I manually select just player. No need for reply. Just some information for you.
