Stremio / stremio-features

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Hide mouse cursor while fullscreen #783

Open rebelcode-xr opened 1 month ago

rebelcode-xr commented 1 month ago

In other players (QuickTime, IINA, VLC...) the mouse cursor automatically disappears when the video is in fullscreen. In Stremio you've always to move it to the side and some pixels are always visible.


  1. Play a movie/episode
  2. activate fullscreen
  3. the cursor remains visible all the time

EXPECTED Would be very convenient if the cursor would disappear after few seconds and reappear when you move the mouse.

rebelcode-xr commented 1 month ago

actually I just noticed that sometimes works...weird. 🤔 maybe doesn't work when the user double clicks to enter fullscreen? 🤔🤔🤔