Stremio / stremio-features

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Better ios app that can atleast be sideloaded as an ipa through official stremio site. #791

Closed Tiddiebear closed 1 month ago

Tiddiebear commented 1 month ago

Stremio Version Stremio Version and OS

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Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

vijayvcm commented 1 month ago

@TRtomasz, Just asking out of curiosity.

Why it is marked as completed? Is the app published to the app store or it’s available to sideload?

I don’t see any download option anywhere either in GitHub or Stream website.

Tiddiebear commented 1 month ago

@TRtomasz, Just asking out of curiosity.

Why it is marked as completed? Is the app published to the app store or it’s available to sideload?

I don’t see any download option anywhere either in GitHub or Stream website.

Same lol, he just marked as completed without explanation or any links.

jaruba commented 1 month ago

i am the dev lead at Stremio, here is a longer discussion on this subject for those that want details:

Tiddiebear commented 1 month ago

So like there wont be an .ipa version (does not need apples consent) because u dont want to simply release it as a side project (probably doesnt even require much maintenance once its developed)

Got it.

jaruba commented 1 month ago

@Tiddiebear you are taking things out of context and cherrypicking things towards your own interests

it requires a lot of maintenance, Stremio is always changing and unless the app is updated on all platforms it will suffer and may even become completely deprecated and unfunctional

there is no app that will ever not require maintenance, believing that this is the case is either lack of understanding or wishful thinking

it takes years to build an app too, would YOU dedicate this time when you know that a small number of users would ever use it because a greedy company is forcing its (unfair and unjustifiable) rules on app developers?