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[SUGGESTION] Android TV: easily navigate through available subtitles #810

Open davidtvieira opened 1 month ago

davidtvieira commented 1 month ago

Stremio on Android TV:

Right now, when I want to try diferent subtitles I'll have to go to the menu of subtitles and click on one, the process is like this:

menu - select subtitle - confirm

Then, to try another subtitle, repeat the process.

This process can be time consuming and not very user friendly when there are, for example, 5 versions and the correct one is the last one. So you'll have to try all of them to find a synced subtitle. To do you'll have to repeat the process 4 times:

(menu - select subtitle - confirm - see if its the correct one)(4x)

A simple solution is:

Now, when the correct version of the subtitle is the 5th one the process to finding it is: menu - select subtitle - (see if is the correct one)(4x) - confirm

This way the process of finding a fiting subtitle is much simpler!

Thank you for all your effort on developing Stremio!

charliesheen14 commented 3 weeks ago

Making the grey box a bit transparent would help to !