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Option for addon developers to control a catalog visibility in home/discover #820

Closed aaalsaleh closed 3 weeks ago

aaalsaleh commented 3 weeks ago

Stremio Version All versions and platforms

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Addon developers cannot control whether a catalog should appear on the home screen or not. Not all catalogs need to be on home screen, and not all catalogs need to be in discover either. There are many people who requested the ability to hide certain catalogs from the home screens, and currently even addon developers cannot do it for their own addons.

Describe the solution you'd like Just like there are extra options for genre, search, and skip in the addon manifest for catalogs, there should be an additional option home to control whether a catalog should appear in the home screen or not. For example:

Describe alternatives you've considered Currently I set {name: "genre", isRequired: true, options: [...]} for any addon I wish to hide from the home screen (even when there are no genres). However, it is not possible to have a home screen only addon (without showing in discover).

TRtomasz commented 3 weeks ago

Feature for people to hide catalogs should not be implemented by giving addon developers possibility to hide them from the addon config, i dont see any point of this feature

aaalsaleh commented 3 weeks ago

I think there is misunderstanding. This feature is not for people to hide catalogs, but rather for addon developers to control the visibility of their own addon's catalogs. Currently addon developers can only hide their own catalogs from home screen by making either genre or search as required, and it is not even possible to hide from discover. With the suggestion, addon developers can specify whether the catalog is a home-only, discover-only, search-only or for all.