Strencher / BetterDiscordStuff

A collection of my BetterDiscord plugins
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[Feature Request] Toggle to determine InvisibleTyping's default enabled state #377

Open ScrubN opened 9 months ago

ScrubN commented 9 months ago

I like using InvisibleTyping, however I sometimes prefer having my typing status enabled rather than disabled. Because of this, having to re-enable my typing indicator every time I restart discord (in global mode) or every time I change channels (in whitelist mode) gets very tedious.

I saw there was a setting in the config file called autoEnable, however this setting changes the plugin from whitelist mode to global mode.

It would be very nice if the default typing-enabled state of the plugin was exposed to the user as a setting.

domi-btnr commented 9 months ago

It kinda is. That's the Global mode. If you right-click the Icon, you can toggle between globally enabled and globally disabled

ScrubN commented 9 months ago

If you right-click the Icon, you can toggle between globally enabled and globally disabled

I did not know that was possible, it would be nice if it was documented somewhere.

I have found some additional problems though: