Strencher / BetterDiscordStuff

A collection of my BetterDiscord plugins
366 stars 226 forks source link

Plugin makes Discord crash, fix it #381

Closed AxesOne1 closed 10 months ago

AxesOne1 commented 10 months ago

I think it's my favorite Discord plugin but since yesterday it started to make my Discord crash, we need an update to fix this problem and make it work again

AZERTY442005 commented 10 months ago

which one ? which plugin ?

Gregoryn14 commented 10 months ago

which one ? which plugin ?


miyuki-ts commented 10 months ago

which one ? which plugin ?


PlatformIndicators also make my discord crash, so i had to uninstall and not use it until it is fix

AZERTY442005 commented 10 months ago

which one ? which plugin ?


PlatformIndicators also make my discord crash, so i had to uninstall and not use it until it is fix

Me too

appcapsergen commented 10 months ago

Same here

SimplyAnotherAnon commented 10 months ago

Plugin makes discord crash every time I try to change my status

DGVaniX commented 10 months ago

Same here, every time I open discord or turn on the plugin it crashes

fowlis commented 10 months ago

To all of you posting "same": ezgif com-resize Strencher is already aware of this issue, he just doesn't have time to fix it.

appcapsergen commented 10 months ago

@fowlis He may already know about the issue, but it's important to let him know that others are also affected. This might make it a higher priority to fix, so people don't stop using the plugin altogether. If he is unable to address the issue, that's a separate concern. However, it's sufficient to ensure it is prioritized next, especially if urgent and or breaking. But I guess sorry for mentioning I'm having the same problem?

fowlis commented 10 months ago

@appcapsergen while yes, it is important to know how many users are experiencing the same problem, not a lot of them are able to share this info in the most constructive way is where I find issue. From what I've seen from a lot of the end-users in the client modding scene, I see a prominent instant-gratification mindset where most are unwilling to put any effort into troubleshooting their problems; for example the author of this very post didn't even bother to find out what plugin(s) was making them crash, or provide any useful error messages that would help Strencher find what is broken with the afflicted plugin(s) and make fixing them easier - they just wanted it to be fixed immediately. It took another user commenting on this post to even mention which plugin was at fault for the issue the author was experiencing, and since then nobody here has shared any more useful information other than "same", which ultimately leads nowhere.

Your point in that it 'prioritizes" the plugin to be fixed while largely true, does not wholly apply since most development in this scene is for the most part a hobby for the devs, they have lives outside of making and fixing plugins so that some people on the internet can enjoy their work for a limited amount of time until stuff breaks again - which then repeats the cycle of people not providing anything constructive when there is an issue, rather just wanting it fixed ASAP without providing any useful information on what their issue is 90% of the time.

appcapsergen commented 10 months ago

@fowlis I understand your frustration with users not providing detailed feedback in the modding scene. However, it's important to remember that not everyone has the technical knowledge to give detailed error reports. Like many, I've experienced crashes without error messages, limiting my ability to contribute more than a basic problem report (or; "same").

It's also not fair to assume all users demand immediate fixes. Comments like "same" might not offer much detail, but they do indicate the prevalence of an issue, which is helpful.

Regarding issue prioritization, my suggestion is about organizing workflow for when the developer has time, not to impinge on his personal time. It's about understanding the scale of a problem and addressing issues, that affect more users, first.

Nova1ite commented 10 months ago

@fowlis I understand your frustration with users not providing detailed feedback in the modding scene. However, it's important to remember that not everyone has the technical knowledge to give detailed error reports. Like many, I've experienced crashes without error messages, limiting my ability to contribute more than a basic problem report (or; "same").

It's also not fair to assume all users demand immediate fixes. Comments like "same" might not offer much detail, but they do indicate the prevalence of an issue, which is helpful.

Regarding issue prioritization, my suggestion is about organizing workflow for when the developer has time, not to impinge on his personal time. It's about understanding the scale of a problem and addressing issues, that affect more users, first.

I think the problem is that this repeated topic has been created multiple times when Strencher knows that this is an issue already. Someone already posted the same exact issue like more than a week ago and I provided the error log and more open issue topics are being made after. There has been a temporary fix in the topic I created in the BD discord support channel, so if users are willing to use those instead for the short moment, it's up to them. ( (I used one of them, its working fine for me now temporarily until an official fix)


DGVaniX commented 10 months ago

@appcapsergen while yes, it is important to know how many users are experiencing the same problem, not a lot of them are able to share this info in the most constructive way is where I find issue. From what I've seen from a lot of the end-users in the client modding scene, I see a prominent instant-gratification mindset where most are unwilling to put any effort into troubleshooting their problems; for example the author of this very post didn't even bother to find out what plugin(s) was making them crash, or provide any useful error messages that would help Strencher find what is broken with the afflicted plugin(s) and make fixing them easier - they just wanted it to be fixed immediately. It took another user commenting on this post to even mention which plugin was at fault for the issue the author was experiencing, and since then nobody here has shared any more useful information other than "same", which ultimately leads nowhere.

Your point in that it 'prioritizes" the plugin to be fixed while largely true, does not wholly apply since most development in this scene is for the most part a hobby for the devs, they have lives outside of making and fixing plugins so that some people on the internet can enjoy their work for a limited amount of time until stuff breaks again - which then repeats the cycle of people not providing anything constructive when there is an issue, rather just wanting it fixed ASAP without providing any useful information on what their issue is 90% of the time.

As a developer myself, I get it, but I don't have much knowledge about Discord or Better Discord. I haven't encountered that crash screen on Discord before the last update. Also, there are no clear console logs or debug logs, especially for people like me who aren't familiar with the technicalities of Discord and Better Discord.

I use Better Discord, and I love the plugin, but it crashes at startup with no other information. Initially, I didn't know who developed the plugin, but after doing my due diligence, I found this GitHub repository. I checked to see if there was a post addressing the issue with the developer acknowledging it or any announcements, but there was nothing. I came across this post with not many replies, but since I really like the plugin, I wanted to add my 'same here' to contribute as a metric for how many people are experiencing the issue and bump up this problem.

If asked for logs or further information, and given instructions on how to gather them, I would have happily provided whatever is necessary to help fix the issue.

Nova1ite commented 10 months ago

@DGVaniX I'll give a somewhat official response from Stern You could use the temporary fix someone made in the support channel if you still want to use it image

TheShizuka commented 10 months ago

@DGVaniX I'll give a somewhat official response from Stern You could use the temporary fix someone made in the support channel if you still want to use it image

i dont find the temporary fix on the sipport channel can someone guide me pls

miyuki-ts commented 10 months ago

Here is the temporary fix, Nooomer made a mini fix on the support discord server channel. He added an array of colors in line 273. And cahnged it to get colors from the array in lines 300 and 500.

 * @name APlatformIndicators
 * @version 1.5.1
 * @description Adds indicators for every platform that the user is using.
 * @github
 * @github_raw
 * @invite gvA2ree
 * @changelogImage
 * @changelogDate 2022-12-15T23:00:00.000Z
 * @author Strencher

'use strict';

/* @module @manifest */
const manifest = {
    "name": "APlatformIndicators",
    "version": "1.5.1",
    "authors": [{
        "name": "Strencher",
        "discord_id": "415849376598982656",
        "github_username": "Strencher",
        "twitter_username": "Strencher3"
    "description": "Adds indicators for every platform that the user is using.",
    "github": "",
    "github_raw": "",
    "invite": "gvA2ree",
    "changelogImage": "",
    "changelogDate": "2022-12-15T23:00:00.000Z",
    "changelog": [{
        "title": "Fixes",
        "type": "fixed",
        "items": [
            "This was was rewritten and should work fully, again. If you notice any bugs, please file an issue on my github or create a forum post in my server about it!"

/*@end */

/* @module @api */
const {
} = new BdApi(;
/*@end */

/* @module @styles */

var Styles$2 = {
    sheets: [],
    _element: null,
    load() {
    unload() {
/*@end */

/* @module react */
var React = BdApi.React;
/*@end */

/* @module shared.js */
const LocalActivityStore = Webpack.getStore("LocalActivityStore");
const SessionsStore = Webpack.getStore("SessionsStore");
const UserStore = Webpack.getStore("UserStore");
const PresenceStore = Webpack.getStore("PresenceStore");
const Dispatcher = UserStore._dispatcher;
const Flux = Webpack.getByKeys("useStateFromStores");
const ModulesLibrary = Webpack.getByKeys("Tooltip");
const Colors = Webpack.getByKeys("ColorDetails");
const {
} = Webpack.getModule((m) => m?.Messages?.STATUS_DND);
const buildClassName = Webpack.getModule((_, __, i) => Webpack.modules[i].toString().includes(`define("classnames"`));

/*@end */

/* @module utils.js */
const findInReactTree = (tree, filter) => Utils.findInTree(tree, filter, {
    walkable: ["props", "children", "type"]

function upperFirst(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

function getStatusText(key, status) {
    return upperFirst(key) + ": " + Messages[`STATUS_${(status == "mobile" ? "mobile_online" : status).toUpperCase()}`];

/*@end */

/* @module indicators.scss */
Styles$2.sheets.push("/* indicators.scss */", `.indicatorContainer {
  display: inline-flex;
  vertical-align: bottom;
  margin-left: 5px;
.indicatorContainer svg {
  margin-left: -2px;
.indicatorContainer div:first-child svg {
  margin-left: 2px;
.indicatorContainer.type_Chat {
  margin-right: -6px;
  vertical-align: top;
.indicatorContainer.type_Tags {
  gap: 2px;

.PI-icon_mobile {
  position: relative;
  top: 1px;

.badge_separator {
  margin-right: 2px;
  padding-right: 2px;
  border-right: thin solid var(--background-modifier-hover);
  height: 22px;

div[id*=message-reply] .indicatorContainer.type_Chat {
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 2px;
var Styles$1 = {
    "indicatorContainer": "indicatorContainer",
    "type_Chat": "type_Chat",
    "type_Tags": "type_Tags",
    "PIIcon_mobile": "PI-icon_mobile",
    "badge_separator": "badge_separator"
/*@end */

/* @module settings.js */
const Settings = new class Settings2 extends Flux.Store {
    constructor() {
        super(Dispatcher, {});
    _settings = Data.load("settings") ?? {};
    get(key, def) {
        return this._settings[key] ?? def;
    set(key, value) {
        this._settings[key] = value;"settings", this._settings);

/*@end */

/* @module usePlatformStores.js */
const isStreaming = () => LocalActivityStore.getActivities().some((e) => e.type === 1);

function usePlatformStores(userId, type) {
    return Flux.useStateFromStoresObject([Settings, PresenceStore, UserStore, SessionsStore], () => {
        const user = UserStore.getUser(userId);
        return {
            iconStates: Settings.get("icons", {}),
            shouldShow: (() => {
                const shownInArea = Settings.get("showIn" + type, true);
                const isBot = Settings.get("ignoreBots", true) && (user?.bot ?? false);
                return shownInArea && !isBot;
            clients: (() => {
                if (user?.id === UserStore.getCurrentUser()?.id)
                    return SessionsStore.getSession() ? {
                        [SessionsStore.getSession().clientInfo.client]: isStreaming() ? "streaming" : SessionsStore.getSession().status
                    } : {};
                return PresenceStore.getState().clientStatuses[user?.id] ?? {};

/*@end */

/* @module desktop.jsx */
function Desktop(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        class: "PI-icon_desktop",
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 -2.5 28 28",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fill: "currentColor",
        d: "M4 2.5C2.897 2.5 2 3.397 2 4.5V15.5C2 16.604 2.897 17.5 4 17.5H11V19.5H7V21.5H17V19.5H13V17.5H20C21.103 17.5 22 16.604 22 15.5V4.5C22 3.397 21.103 2.5 20 2.5H4ZM20 4.5V13.5H4V4.5H20Z"

/*@end */

/* @module mobile.jsx */
function Mobile(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        class: "PI-icon_mobile",
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        transform: "scale(0.9)",
        viewBox: "0 -2.5 32 44",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fill: "currentColor",
        d: "M 2.882812 0.246094 C 1.941406 0.550781 0.519531 2.007812 0.230469 2.953125 C 0.0585938 3.542969 0 7.234375 0 17.652344 L 0 31.554688 L 0.5 32.558594 C 1.117188 33.769531 2.152344 34.5625 3.519531 34.847656 C 4.210938 35 7.078125 35.058594 12.597656 35 C 20.441406 34.941406 20.691406 34.925781 21.441406 34.527344 C 22.347656 34.054688 23.078125 33.3125 23.578125 32.386719 C 23.921875 31.761719 23.941406 30.964844 24 18.085938 C 24.039062 8.503906 24 4.167969 23.847656 3.464844 C 23.558594 2.121094 22.75 1.097656 21.519531 0.492188 L 20.5 0 L 12.039062 0.0195312 C 6.402344 0.0390625 3.328125 0.113281 2.882812 0.246094 Z M 20.382812 14.582031 L 20.382812 22.917969 L 3.652344 22.917969 L 3.652344 6.25 L 20.382812 6.25 Z M 13.789062 27.539062 C 14.5 28.296875 14.597656 29.035156 14.132812 29.925781 C 13.308594 31.496094 10.671875 31.421875 9.902344 29.8125 C 9.539062 29.054688 9.539062 28.730469 9.902344 28.011719 C 10.691406 26.535156 12.632812 26.308594 13.789062 27.539062 Z M 13.789062 27.539062 "

/*@end */

/* @module embedded.jsx */
function Embedded(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        class: "PI-icon_embedded",
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 -2.5 28 28",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fill: "currentColor",
        d: "M5.79335761,5 L18.2066424,5 C19.7805584,5 21.0868816,6.21634264 21.1990185,7.78625885 L21.8575059,17.0050826 C21.9307825,18.0309548 21.1585512,18.9219909 20.132679,18.9952675 C20.088523,18.9984215 20.0442685,19 20,19 C18.8245863,19 17.8000084,18.2000338 17.5149287,17.059715 L17,15 L7,15 L6.48507125,17.059715 C6.19999155,18.2000338 5.1754137,19 4,19 C2.97151413,19 2.13776159,18.1662475 2.13776159,17.1377616 C2.13776159,17.0934931 2.1393401,17.0492386 2.1424941,17.0050826 L2.80098151,7.78625885 C2.91311838,6.21634264 4.21944161,5 5.79335761,5 Z M14.5,10 C15.3284271,10 16,9.32842712 16,8.5 C16,7.67157288 15.3284271,7 14.5,7 C13.6715729,7 13,7.67157288 13,8.5 C13,9.32842712 13.6715729,10 14.5,10 Z M18.5,13 C19.3284271,13 20,12.3284271 20,11.5 C20,10.6715729 19.3284271,10 18.5,10 C17.6715729,10 17,10.6715729 17,11.5 C17,12.3284271 17.6715729,13 18.5,13 Z M6,9 L4,9 L4,11 L6,11 L6,13 L8,13 L8,11 L10,11 L10,9 L8,9 L8,7 L6,7 L6,9 Z"

/*@end */

/* @module web.jsx */
function Web(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        class: "PI-icon_web",
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 -2.5 28 28",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fill: "currentColor",
        d: "M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.48 22 12 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 12 2ZM11 19.93C7.05 19.44 4 16.08 4 12C4 11.38 4.08 10.79 4.21 10.21L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.93ZM17.9 17.39C17.64 16.58 16.9 16 16 16H15V13C15 12.45 14.55 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.55 10 11 9.55 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.59C17.93 5.78 20 8.65 20 12C20 14.08 19.2 15.97 17.9 17.39Z"

/*@end */

/* @module Icons.js */

/*@end */

var Icons = /*#__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
    __proto__: null,
    desktop: Desktop,
    embedded: Embedded,
    mobile: Mobile,
    web: Web

const colors = {
    "online": Colors.Color.GREEN_360, "offline": Colors.Color.PRIMARY_400, "dnd": Colors.Color.RED_400, "idle": Colors.Color.YELLOW_300, "streaming": Colors.Color.TWITCH

/* @module indicators.jsx */
function StatusIndicators({
    size = 18,
    separator = false
}) {
    const state = usePlatformStores(userId, type);
    if (!Object.keys(state.clients).length || !state.shouldShow)
        return null;
    return React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, separator && React.createElement("span", {
        className: Styles$1.badge_separator
    }), React.createElement("div", {
        className: buildClassName(Styles$1.indicatorContainer, Styles$1["type_" + type]),
        "data-id": userId
    }, Object.entries(state.clients).filter(([key]) => (state.iconStates[key] ?? true) && key in Icons).map(([key, status]) => {
        const Icon = Icons[key];
        return React.createElement(ModulesLibrary.Tooltip, {
            text: getStatusText(key, status)
        }, (props) => React.createElement(
            Icon, {
                text: getStatusText(key, status),
                style: {
                    color: `var(--${colors[status]})` //Colors.ColorDetails[ModulesLibrary.getStatusColor(status)]?.hex
                width: size,
                height: size,
                "data-status": status,

/*@end */

/* @module settings.scss */
Styles$2.sheets.push("/* settings.scss */", `.PIsettingsSmartDisable {
  color: #fff;
.PIsettingsSmartDisable .body {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 160px 160px;
  grid-template-rows: auto auto;
  column-gap: 15px;
  row-gap: 15px;
.PIsettingsSmartDisable .body .item {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  cursor: pointer;
  border-radius: 8px;
  background: var(--primary-630);
  padding: 10px 15px;
.PIsettingsSmartDisable .body .item:hover {
  background: var(--primary-500);

.PIsettingsTitle {
  color: #fff;
  font-size: 24px;
  font-weight: 600;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
var Styles = {
    "PIsettingsSmartDisable": "PIsettingsSmartDisable",
    "body": "body",
    "item": "item",
    "PIsettingsTitle": "PIsettingsTitle"
/*@end */

/* @module settings.json */
var SettingsItems = [{
        type: "switch",
        name: "Show in MemberList",
        note: "Shows the platform indicators in the memberlist",
        id: "showInMemberList",
        value: true
        type: "switch",
        name: "Show next to username",
        note: "Shows the platform indicators next the username in messages.",
        id: "showInChat",
        value: true
        type: "switch",
        name: "Show in DMs List",
        note: "Shows the platform indicators in the dm list.",
        id: "showInDmsList",
        value: true
        type: "switch",
        name: "Show next to discord tags",
        note: "Shows the platform indicators right next to the discord tag.",
        id: "showInTags",
        value: true
        type: "switch",
        name: "Ignore Bots",
        note: "Ignores the status of bots which is always web anyways.",
        id: "ignoreBots",
        value: true
        type: "smart-disable",
        name: "Disable individual icons",
        id: "icons",
        items: [{
                id: "web",
                value: true,
                icon: "web"
                id: "desktop",
                value: true,
                icon: "desktop"
                id: "mobile",
                value: true,
                icon: "mobile"
                id: "embedded",
                value: true,
                icon: "embedded"
/*@end */

/* @module checkbox.jsx */
function CheckboxEnabled(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fillRule: "evenodd",
        clipRule: "evenodd",
        fill: props.color ?? "currentColor",
        d: "M5.37499 3H18.625C19.9197 3 21.0056 4.08803 21 5.375V18.625C21 19.936 19.9359 21 18.625 21H5.37499C4.06518 21 3 19.936 3 18.625V5.375C3 4.06519 4.06518 3 5.37499 3Z"
    }), React.createElement("path", {
        fill: "#fff",
        d: "M9.58473 14.8636L6.04944 11.4051L4.50003 12.9978L9.58473 18L19.5 8.26174L17.9656 6.64795L9.58473 14.8636Z"

function CheckboxDisabled(props) {
    return React.createElement("svg", {
        width: "24",
        height: "24",
        viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
    }, React.createElement("path", {
        fillRule: "evenodd",
        clipRule: "evenodd",
        fill: "currentColor",
        d: "M18.625 3H5.375C4.06519 3 3 4.06519 3 5.375V18.625C3 19.936 4.06519 21 5.375 21H18.625C19.936 21 21 19.936 21 18.625V5.375C21.0057 4.08803 19.9197 3 18.625 3ZM19 19V5H4.99999V19H19Z"

function Checkbox({
}) {
    return checked ? React.createElement(CheckboxEnabled, {
    }) : React.createElement(CheckboxDisabled, {

/*@end */

/* @module settings.jsx */
const {
} = Webpack.getByKeys("FormSwitch");

function SwitchItem(props) {
    const value = Flux.useStateFromStores([Settings], () => Settings.get(, props.value));
    return React.createElement(
        FormSwitch, {
            onChange: (value2) => {
                Settings.set(, value2);

function SmartDisable(props) {
    const iconSize = 26;
    const [states, setStates] = React.useState(Settings.get(, Object.fromEntries( => [, item.value]))));
    const handleClick = (id) => {
        states[id] = !states[id];
        Settings.set(, states);
        setStates(Object.assign({}, states));
    return React.createElement("div", {
        className: Styles.PIsettingsSmartDisable
    }, React.createElement("h1", {
        className: Styles.PIsettingsTitle
    },, React.createElement("div", {
        className: Styles.body
    }, => React.createElement("div", {
        className: Styles.item,
        onClick: () => handleClick(
    }, ["online", "dnd", "idle", "offline", "streaming"].map(
        (status) => React.createElement(Icons[item.icon], {
            style: {
                color: `var(--${colors[status]})` //Colors.ColorDetails[ModulesLibrary.getStatusColor(status)]?.hex
            width: iconSize,
            height: iconSize
    ), React.createElement(Checkbox, {
        width: iconSize,
        height: iconSize,
        checked: !!states[],
        color: "var(--brand-500)"

function renderItems(items) {
    return => {
        switch (item.type) {
            case "switch":
                return React.createElement(SwitchItem, {
            case "smart-disable":
                return React.createElement(SmartDisable, {
                return null;

function SettingsPanel() {
    return React.createElement("div", null, React.createElement("h1", {
        className: Styles.PIsettingsTitle
    }, "General Settings"), renderItems(SettingsItems));

/*@end */

/* @module index.jsx */
class PlatformIndicators {
    getSettingsPanel() {
        return React.createElement(SettingsPanel, null);
    start() {
    patchDMs() {
        const HomeComponents = Webpack.getByKeys("CloseButton", "LinkButton");

        function PatchedDMs({
        }) {
            const res = __PI_ORIGINAL(props);
            try {
                const originalChildren = res.props.children;
                res.props.children = (e) => {
                    const ret = originalChildren(e);
                    try {
                        const obj = findInReactTree(ret, (e2) => e2?.avatar && e2?.name);
                        if (!obj)
                            return ret;
                        obj.decorators = [
                                StatusIndicators, {
                                    type: "MemberList"
                    } catch (error) {
                    return ret;
            } catch (error) {
            return res;
        Patcher.after(HomeComponents, "default", (_, __, res) => {
            if (res.type === PatchedDMs)
            res.props.__PI_ORIGINAL = res.type;
            res.type = PatchedDMs;
    patchMemberList() {
        const MemberItem = Webpack.getByKeys("AVATAR_DECORATION_PADDING");
        Patcher.after(MemberItem, "default", (_, [props], ret) => {
            const obj = findInReactTree(ret, (e) => e?.avatar && e?.name);
            if (obj) {
                obj.decorators = [
                        StatusIndicators, {
                            type: "MemberList"
    patchUsername() {
        const ChatUsername = Webpack.getByKeys("UsernameDecorationTypes");
        Patcher.before(ChatUsername, "default", (_, [props]) => {
            if (!Array.isArray(props.decorations[1]))
                props.decorations[1] = [];
                    StatusIndicators, {
                        type: "Chat"
    patchUserPopout() {
        const UserPopoutModule = Webpack.getByKeys("UserPopoutBadgeList");

        function PatchedBadgesList({
        }) {
            const res = __PI_ORIGINAL(props);
            try {
                if (Array.isArray(res?.props?.children)) {
                            StatusIndicators, {
                                type: "Tags",
                                size: "22",
                                separator: !!res.props.children.length
            } catch (error) {
            return res;
        Patcher.after(UserPopoutModule, "default", (_, [props], ret) => {
            const vnode = findInReactTree(ret, (e) => e?.type === UserPopoutModule.UserPopoutBadgeList.__originalFunction);
            if (vnode) {
                vnode.type = UserPopoutModule.UserPopoutBadgeList;
        Patcher.after(UserPopoutModule, "UserPopoutBadgeList", (_, [props], ret) => {
            const vnode = ret.props.children[1];
            vnode.props.__PI_ORIGINAL = vnode.type;
            vnode.type = PatchedBadgesList;
    stop() {

/*@end */

module.exports = PlatformIndicators;

I sent the code, since it doesn't support the file (APlatformIndicators.plugin.js) in here, or you can find it on the discord server under support.

appcapsergen commented 10 months ago

I think the problem is that this repeated topic has been created multiple times when Strencher knows that this is an issue already. Someone already posted the same exact issue like more than a week ago and I provided the error log and more open issue topics are being made after.

@Nova1ite If that's the case, they could've sent a link to the other issue saying there's already a more detailed issue for it :P

Strencher commented 10 months ago

I have pushed a fix (, it should show up as soon as it gets approved by BD reviewers.

miyuki-ts commented 10 months ago

image I get an console error



miyuki-ts commented 10 months ago

The plugin works, itself it's when i click on the wheel to go into settings, i get an error